我怎么走动angular.js DOM的一个看法?看法、我怎么、js、angular

由网友(别理我√我有病)分享简介:我怎样才能移动元素到不同的地方在DOM与JS角?How can I move an element to different places in the DOM with angular js?我有像这样的元素列表
  • 我怎样才能移动元素到不同的地方在DOM与JS角?

    How can I move an element to different places in the DOM with angular js?


    <ul id="list" ng-controller="ListController">
        <li ng-controller="ItemController"><div>content</div></li>
        <li ng-controller="ItemController"><div>content</div></li>
        <li ng-controller="ItemController"><div>content</div></li>
        <li ng-controller="ItemController">
            <div id="overlay"></div>


    What I'm trying to accomplish is moving the #overlay from place to place within the list without having to have a hidden duplicate in every item that I flag hidden/unhidden.


    If this was jquery I could just do something like this:

    $("#overlay").appendTo("#list li:first-child");


    Is there an equivalent way to do this in angular?


    由于你澄清我能理解,你有项的列表。你会希望能够在此列表中选择一个项目(刷卡,但可能其他事件一样),然后选定项目显示额外的DOM元素(DIV)。如果其他项被选定它应该是未选中的 - 这种方式只有一个项目应该有一个额外的div显示

    Thanks to your clarifications I can understand that you've got a list of items. You would like to be able to select one item in this list (swipe but potentially other events as well) and then display an additional DOM element (div) for a selected item. If the other item was selected it should be un-selected - this way only one item should have an additional div displayed.


    If the above understanding is correct, then you could solve this with the simple ng-repeat and ng-show directives like this:

    <ul ng-controller="ListController">
        <li ng-repeat="item in items">
            <div ng-click="open(item)">{{item.content}}</div>
            <div ng-show="isOpen(item)">overlay: tweet, share, pin</div>


    where the code in the controller would be (showing a fragment of it only):

    $scope.open = function(item){
        if ($scope.isOpen(item)){
            $scope.opened = undefined;
        } else {
            $scope.opened = item;
    $scope.isOpen = function(item){
        return $scope.opened === item;


    Here is the complete jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pkozlowski_opensource/65Cxv/7/


    If you are concerned about having too many DOM elements you could achieve the same using ng-switch directive:

    <ul ng-controller="ListController">
        <li ng-repeat="item in items">
            <div ng-click="open(item)">{{item.content}}</div>
            <ng-switch on="isOpen(item)">
                <div ng-switch-when="true">overlay: tweet, share, pin</div>


    Here is the jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pkozlowski_opensource/bBtH3/2/

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