
由网友(有妳在就足夠)分享简介:我采用了棱角分明的UI呈现在手风琴LITTEL数据库条目。在第一个试验中,我用的引导,但我综合AngularJS意见,手风琴没有更充分的工作(空HREF ...)。后来我换成我的引导与手风琴UI角度引导一个,默认的模板。我的问题是,在引导版本,我设法程式化取决于手风琴标题标题(我用的是NG重复指令,并在标题里面的吴式)...

我采用了棱角分明的UI呈现在手风琴LITTEL数据库条目。在第一个试验中,我用的引导,但我综合AngularJS意见,手风琴没有更充分的工作(空HREF ...)。后来我换成我的引导与手风琴UI角度引导一个,默认的模板。



 手风琴group.accordion-groupLog(NG-重复=在data.entries项目|过滤器:搜索)   手风琴heading.accordion-headingLog(NG-风格={的backgroundColor:款式[item.importance-1] .bkcolor,颜色:款式[item.importance-1]。颜色})         {{item.title}}({{item.importance}}) 




 < D​​IV CLASS =的手风琴groupLog手风琴组NG-范围NG重复=项data.entries |过滤器:搜索>   < D​​IV CLASS =的手风琴标题>      <一类=的手风琴切换NG结合NG点击=!isOpen会= isOpen会手风琴transclude =标题>...... 


 < D​​IV CLASS =的手风琴groupLog手风琴组NG-范围NG重复=项data.entries |过滤器:搜索>   < D​​IV NG风格={的backgroundColor:款式[item.importance-1] .bkcolor}级=的手风琴标题手风琴headingLog的风格=背景色:RGB(214,24,40); > 



 脚本(类型=文/ NG-模板ID =模板/手风琴/手风琴group.html)。    div.accordion组    div.accordion-heading.accordion-headingLog(NG-风格={背景颜色:#123456)       a.accordion曲肘(NG-点击=isOpen会=!isOpen会,手风琴transclude =标题){{标题}}    div.accordion体(崩=!isOpen会)       div.accordion-内(NG-transclude) 


角UI的手风琴有一个accordionHeading指令,允许包括HTML。在源$ C ​​$ C的例子:


  //使用手风琴标题,以提供含有HTML标题//<手风琴组>//<手风琴标题>标题包含HTML  - < IMG SRC =...>< /手风琴标题>//&所述; /手风琴式组> 


 <手风琴组><手风琴标题纳克级={定制式:item.title}>您的标题< /手风琴标题>< /手风琴组> 

下面是角的UI手风琴源$ C ​​$ C https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/blob/master/src/accordion/accordion.js

I'm using Angular UI to render littel database entries in an accordion. In a first trial, I used bootstrap, but as I integrated AngularJS views, accordion is no more fully working (empty href...). I then replaced my bootstrap accordion with angular UI bootstrap one and the default template.

My problem is that in the bootstrap version, I managed to stylized the heading depending on the accordion title (I was using the ng-repeat directive, and the ng-style inside the heading). I tried to do the same with Angular UI, but even my custom class is not rendered.

This sample code was working great with bootstrap, but no more with ui.boostrap accordion :

accordion-group.accordion-groupLog(ng-repeat="item in data.entries | filter:search") 
   accordion-heading.accordion-headingLog(ng-style="{backgroundColor: styles[item.importance-1].bkcolor, color: styles[item.importance-1].color}")
         {{item.title}}   ({{item.importance}})

The goal here is to apply a different style (background color and text color) based on an item field. Furthermore, the class accordion-headingLog is to resize the accordion default size.

Here is the rendered code :

<div class="accordion-groupLog accordion-group ng-scope" ng-repeat="item in data.entries | filter:search">
   <div class="accordion-heading">
      <a class="accordion-toggle ng-binding" ng-click="isOpen = !isOpen" accordion-transclude="heading">

And I was expecting something like :

<div class="accordion-groupLog accordion-group ng-scope" ng-repeat="item in data.entries | filter:search">
   <div ng-style="{backgroundColor: styles[item.importance-1].bkcolor}" class="accordion-heading accordion-headingLog" style="background-color: rgb(214, 24, 40);">

[EDIT] I tried to put the accordion-headingLog class with ng-class attribute, but it does not work either. Just to test, I tried to apply the class and the style inside the body of the accordion, and it works well. I conclue that the accordionHeading directive does not accept any class or attribute ? How to dynamically apply a style on the heading then ???

[EDIT] Another trial was to build my own template. I am able to apply the accordion-headingLog class to the heading, but how can I set a customizable style ? I tried to use ng-style and apply a fixed style, but it does not work.

script(type="text/ng-template", id="template/accordion/accordion-group.html").
    div.accordion-heading.accordion-headingLog(ng-style="{background-color: #123456")
       a.accordion-toggle(ng-click="isOpen = !isOpen", accordion-transclude="heading") {{heading}}


Angular-UI's accordion has an accordionHeading directive that allows you to include HTML. The example in the source code:

// Use accordion-heading below an accordion-group to provide a heading containing HTML
// <accordion-group>
//   <accordion-heading>Heading containing HTML - <img src="..."></accordion-heading>
// </accordion-group>

So maybe you can do something like this to conditionally apply your custom css:

<accordion-heading ng-class="{'custom-style': item.title }"> Your Title </accordion-heading>

Here is the Angular-UI Accordion source code https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/blob/master/src/accordion/accordion.js


