
由网友(忆往兮ヾ)分享简介:在我的NodeJS发送一个流给客户这样的:In nodejs I send a stream to clients like this:DockerService.get().pull('my/image', function(err, stream) {if (err) {return res.badReques...


In nodejs I send a stream to clients like this:

DockerService.get().pull('my/image', function(err, stream) {
  if (err) {
    return res.badRequest(err);
  } else {
    return stream.pipe(res);

这是从angularjs客户端使用引发的 $ http.get

This is triggered from a angularjs client using $http.get:

pull: function() {
  var url = ENV.apiEndpoint + '/docker/pull';
  var promise = $http.get(url).success(function(response) {
    return response;
  }).error(function(data, status) {

  return promise;


However I cannot read the stream. From angular I get an error message:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    at Object.parse (native)
    at fromJson (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:1065:14)
    at defaultHttpResponseTransform (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:8579:16)
    at file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:8664:12
    at forEach (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:323:20)
    at transformData (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:8663:3)
    at transformResponse (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:9389:23)
    at processQueue (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:13189:27)
    at file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:13205:27
    at Scope.$get.Scope.$eval (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:14401:28)


I cannot find any information on how to handle streams in angular. Can you help me out?



The response is too large to present it here, so here is the first part of it:



所以,这不是有效的JSON,这是一个系列的新行分隔(presumably)JSON消息。这是什么意外的标记{的意思。棱角分明的内置解析器不支持开箱即用。现在的问题是不是真正的流媒体与缓存的数据,它只是一个正文格式angularjs不直接支持。你需要确保角度的内置解析器绕过,然后你可以在换行分割字符串和try / catch每行解析作为JSON对象。

So that's not valid JSON, it's a series of newline-delimited (presumably) JSON messages. That's what the "unexpected token '{'" means. Angular's built-in parser doesn't support that out of the box. The question isn't really about streaming vs. buffered data, it's just a body format angularjs doesn't directly support. You'll need to ensure angular's built-in parser is bypassed and then you can split the string on newline and try/catch parsing each line as a JSON object.

FYI我的知识源源不断地进入浏览器的最佳模块是 oboe.js 。您可以使用再加上一些code RonB /角双簧管以每个缓冲然后线解析ndjson语法成JS对象流

FYI to my knowledge the best module for streaming into the browser is oboe.js. You may be able to use RonB/angular-oboe coupled with some code to buffer each line then parse the ndjson syntax into a stream of JS objects.


