
由网友(岁月打更人)分享简介:我想用国际化和i10n在我的角度应用程序。I would like to use i18n and i10n in my Angular app.我读到角翻译能帮助您,但是,它并没有为我工作。I read that Angular-translate can help with this, however, it...


I would like to use i18n and i10n in my Angular app.


I read that Angular-translate can help with this, however, it doesn't work for me.


In my index.html:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html ng-app="eApp">

        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../common/css/bootstrap.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../common/css/style.css" />

<body ng-controller="AppCtrl">
     <div id="container" ng-view></div>
    <!--- Libs Js files  --->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../vendor/angularjs/angular.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../vendor/angularjs/angular-route.min.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="../vendor/angularjs/angular-translate.min.js"></script>


var eApp = angular.module('elbitApp', ['ngRoute', 'ui.bootstrap', 'config', 'pascalprecht.translate']);

// configure our routes
function ($routeProvider) {

    // route for the home page
    .when('/c', {
        templateUrl: 'c/partials/c.html',
        controller: 'CController'

    // route for the about page
    .when('/de', {
        templateUrl: 'd/partials/dE.html',
        controller: 'DEController',
        resolve: {
            data: function (DDataService) {
                return DDataService.loadData().then(function (response) {
                    return response.data;

    // route for the contact page
    .when('/di', {
        templateUrl: 'd/partials/di.html',
        controller: 'DIController',
        resolve: {
            data: function (DDataService) {
                return DDataService.loadData().then(function (response) {
                    return response.data;
        redirectTo: '/di'
function ($httpProvider) {
    // Configure the $httpProvider to parse date with date transformer
    $httpProvider.defaults.transformResponse.push(function (responseData) {
        return responseData;
    function ($translateProvider) {
    $translateProvider.translations('en', {
        "TITLE": 'Hello',
        "FOO": 'This is a paragraph.',
        "BUTTON_LANG_EN": 'english',
        "BUTTON_LANG_DE": 'german'
      $translateProvider.translations('de', {
        "TITLE": 'Hallo',
        "FOO": 'Dies ist ein Paragraph.',
        "BUTTON_LANG_EN": 'englisch',
        "BUTTON_LANG_DE": 'deutsch'

// main controller that catches resolving issues of the other controllers
eApp.controller('AppCtrl', function ($rootScope) {
$rootScope.$on("$routeChangeError", function (event, current, previous, rejection) {
    alert("Cant resolve the request of the controller "); //TODO: add URL + additional data.

在这个文件中,我定义我的应用程序,并添加了 $ translateProvider 和两个字典。

In this file I defined my app and added the $translateProvider and two dictionaries.

后来我得到了我的 deController.js

eApp.controller('DispatcherEventsController', ['$scope', '$route', '$translate', 
                    function($scope, $route, $translate){

    var data = $route.current.locals.data;

    $scope.title = $translate.instant("FOO");

    $scope.switchLanguage = function(languageKey){

de.html 我添加了一个 H1 FOO ,并在点击我想改变德国:

In de.html I added a h1 tag with FOO and in a click I would like to change to German:

<h1>{{title |translate}}</h1>
<h1 translate="{{title}}"></h1>
<button type="button" id="searchButton" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="switchLanguage('de')">German</button>


I don't get any problem, but nothing happens. I expected that the English title will be converted to German title.


What can I do to make this work?



It works well for me. Here is a jsFiddle DEMO.

在这种情况下,要绑定$ scope.title与翻译键FOO。

In this case, you want to bind $scope.title with translation key "FOO".

您应该在 switchLanguage 的功能改变$ a的值scope.title动态。然后查看将随之更新。

You should change the value of $scope.title dynamically in the switchLanguage function. Then view will be updated accordingly.

//default value
$scope.title = $translate.instant("HEADLINE");

$scope.switchLanguage = function(key){
    $scope.title = $translate.instant("HEADLINE");


In my opinion, maybe use translation key is a better way than scope data binding. You don't have to maitain the value of key manually.

<h1>{{'FOO' | translate}}</h1>


According to the error msg you provided, maybe you could check if there is any typo syntax in your controller.


