上述&lt阻止脚本的执行; URL取代。因为文档的帧是沙箱和“允许的脚本”权限未设置脚本、上述、权限、文档

由网友(我很想愛她*)分享简介:我知道,如果我们在HTML中使用的iFrame我们已经到沙箱资讯科技及电讯;添加允许的脚本的许可是真实的。 但我的问题是,我没有在的iFrame在我的纯JS角应用。当我在我的本地机器上运行它,它工作正常。我把它部署到我的服务器的那一刻,Chrome就会显示此错误消息,下面的错误沿:  拒绝加载风格'bootstrap....





拒绝加载风格'bootstrap.min.css,因为它违反了  以下内容安全政策指令:风格-src的'自我'


阻止脚本执行  dashboard.html  因为文档的帧是沙箱和允许的脚本  权限未设置。



什么引起的?我缺少什么吗?任何指针将大大AP preciated。


 < HTML LANG =ENNG-应用=仪表板>   < HEAD>      <标题>仪表及LT; /标题>      <链接HREF =CSS / bootstrap.min.css的rel =stylesheet属性>      <脚本SRC =JS / jquery.min.js>< / SCRIPT>      <脚本SRC =JS / angular.min.js>< / SCRIPT>      <脚本SRC =JS / UI的引导,第三方物流企业,0.6.0.js>< / SCRIPT>      <脚本SRC =JS / bootstrap.min.js>< / SCRIPT>      <脚本SRC =JS / notifications.js>< / SCRIPT>      <风格>         身体{背景颜色:#F3F3F4;颜色:#676a6c;字体大小:13像素;}      < /风格>      <脚本>         VAR dashboardApp = angular.module(仪表盘,['ui.bootstrap','notificationHelper']);         类型= {            APP:0,CTL:1         }         功能DashboardCtrl($范围,$位置$超时,$ HTTP,$登录,$ Q){            $ scope.environments = [{...}];            $ scope.columns = [{...}];             $ scope.Type = window.Type;            $ scope.applications = [{...}];            $ scope.selectedEnv = NULL;            VAR resetModel =功能(应用程序){                applications.forEach(功能(应用程序){                     VAR主机= $ scope.findHosts(应用程序,$ scope.selectedEnv);                     如果(主机){                         hosts.forEach(功能(主机){                             $ scope.initStatus(app.status,主机);                         });                     }                });            };            VAR timeoutPromise = NULL;             $ scope.initStatus =功能(状态,主机){                 状态[主持人] = {[                     ...                 }];             };         }      < / SCRIPT>   < /头>   <机身NG控制器=DashboardCtrl>      < D​​IV CLASS =要求的通知NG的通知>< / DIV>      < D​​IV>         <&标签集GT;            <标签NG重复=ENV的环境中标题={{env.name}}选择=设置(环境)活动=env.tab_active>               < D​​IV CLASS =COL-MD-6NG-重复=列列NG-CLASS ={'垂直分隔符:$第一}>                  < D​​IV CLASS =面板NG-CLASS ={'第一胎':$第一}>                     < D​​IV CLASS =面板标题>                        < H3> {{column.column}}< / H3 GT&;                     < / DIV>                     < D​​IV CLASS =面板体>                        < D​​IV CLASS =前端NG重复=层column.layers>                           < H4> {{layer.name}}< / H4>                           < D​​IV CLASS =类别NG-重复=类别中layer.categoriesNG-CLASS =category.css>                              < D​​IV CLASS =类别的标题>                                 < H4> {{category.name}}< / H4>                              < / DIV>                              < D​​IV CLASS =类体组NG重复=,在category.groups组>                                 < D​​IV NG-IF =&GTENV [group.host]!;                                    < H4> {{group.name}}< / H4>                                    <跨度类=标签标签危险>未部署< / SPAN>                                 < / DIV>                                 < D​​IV NG重复=主机ENV [group.host]>                                    < D​​IV CLASS =组信息>                                       < D​​IV CLASS =组名> {{group.name}}< / DIV>                                       < D​​IV CLASS =组节点><强>节点:LT; / STRONG> {{主机}}< / DIV>                                    < / DIV>                                    <表类=表的表条纹>                                       <&THEAD GT;                                          &所述; TR>                                             ...                                          < / TR>                                       < / THEAD>                                       <&TBODY GT;                                          < TR类=testStatusPageNG重复=应用程序中的应用|过滤器:{列:column.column,层:layer.name,类别:category.name,组:group.name}:真正的>                                             <! - 应用首页链接 - >                                             < TD类=用户链接NG-IF =app.type === Type.A || app.type === Type.A1 || app.type === Type.B ||应用程序。类型=== Type.B1 || app.type === Type.C>&下; A HREF ={{app.link}}> {{app.text}}&下; / A>&下; / TD> < TD NG-IF =app.status [主持人] .STATUS code == 0级=结果statusResult><跨度类=标签标签成功>成功< / SPAN> < / TD>                                             < TD NG-IF =app.status [SVR] .STATUS = NULL&放大器;!&安培;!app.status [主持人] .STATUS = 0级=结果statusResult><跨度类=标签标签危险> {{app.status [主持人] .error}}< / SPAN>< / TD>                                          < / TR>                                       < / TBODY>                                    < /表>                                 < / DIV>                              < / DIV>                           < / DIV>                        < / DIV>                     < / DIV>                  < / DIV>               < / DIV>            < /标签>         < /标签集>      < / DIV>   < /身体GT;< / HTML> 


我们用在詹金斯userContent目录此内容的HTML。我们最近升级到最新的詹金斯1.625 LTS版本和放大器;看来他们已经推出了新的内容安全政策,增加了页眉下方的响应头&放大器;浏览器简单地拒绝执行如样式表什么/ Javascript角。

ltkrn15u.dll下载 缺少或找不到ltkrn15u.dll

X-内容安全性政策:沙箱;默认-SRC无; IMG-SRC自我;风格-SRC自我;





I'm aware that if we use a iFrame in HTML we've to sandbox it & add the 'allow-scripts' permission to be true.

But my problem is I don't have a iFrame at all in my pure Angular JS application. When I run it on my local machine it works fine.

The moment I deploy it to my server, Chrome displays this error message along with the below error:

Refused to load the style 'bootstrap.min.css' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "style-src 'self'".

Blocked script execution in 'dashboard.html' because the document's frame is sandboxed and the 'allow-scripts' permission is not set.

I'm not invoking the page from a 3rd party site or elsewhere which could possibly inject my source & make it appear in a iframe. I inspected the code & I can confirm there are no iframes at all.

BTW, I use a very old version of Chrome (26) and Firefox (10) [Organisational restrictions]. This happens on IE11 as well (Though no error message displayed) the page doesn't load up.

What could be causing this ? Am I missing anything here ? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Below is a snapshot of what I'm trying to do... Trivial parts trimmed out..

<html lang="en" ng-app="dashboard">
      <link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
      <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
      <script src="js/angular.min.js"></script>
      <script src="js/ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.6.0.js"></script>
      <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
      <script src="js/notifications.js"></script>
         body { background-color: #F3F3F4; color: #676a6c; font-size: 13px;}
         var dashboardApp = angular.module('dashboard', ['ui.bootstrap', 'notificationHelper']);

         Type = {
            APP : 0, CTL : 1

         function DashboardCtrl($scope, $location, $timeout, $http, $log, $q) {
            $scope.environments = [ { ... }];
            $scope.columns = [ { ... } ];

             $scope.Type = window.Type;
            $scope.applications = [{ ... }];

            $scope.selectedEnv = null;

            var resetModel = function(applications) {
                applications.forEach(function(app) {
                     var hosts=$scope.findHosts(app, $scope.selectedEnv);

            var timeoutPromise = null;

             $scope.initStatus = function (status,host) {


   <body ng-controller="DashboardCtrl">
      <div class="request-notifications" ng-notifications></div>
            <tab ng-repeat="env in environments" heading="{{env.name}}" select="set(env)" active="env.tab_active">
               <div class="col-md-6" ng-repeat="column in columns" ng-class="{'vertical-seperator':$first}">
                  <div class="panel" ng-class="{'first-child':$first}">
                     <div class="panel-heading">
                     <div class="panel-body">
                        <div class="frontends" ng-repeat="layer in column.layers">
                           <div class="category" ng-repeat="category in layer.categories" ng-class="category.css">
                              <div class="category-heading">
                              <div class="category-body group" ng-repeat="group in category.groups">
                                 <div ng-if="!env[group.host]">
                                    <span class="label label-danger">Not deployed</span>
                                 <div ng-repeat="host in env[group.host]">
                                    <div class="group-info">
                                       <div class="group-name">{{group.name}}</div>
                                       <div class="group-node"><strong>Node : </strong>{{host}}</div>
                                    <table class="table table-striped">
                                          <tr class="testStatusPage" ng-repeat="app in apps | filter: { column: column.column, layer: layer.name, category: category.name, group: group.name } : true">
                                             <!-- Application Home Links -->
                                             <td class="user-link" ng-if="app.type === Type.A || app.type === Type.A1 || app.type === Type.B || app.type === Type.B1 || app.type === Type.C"><a href="{{app.link}}">{{app.text}}</a></td>                                                                                          <td ng-if="app.status[host].statusCode == 0" class="result statusResult"><span class="label label-success">Success</span></td>
                                             <td ng-if="app.status[svr].status != null && app.status[host].status != 0" class="result statusResult"><span class="label label-danger">{{app.status[host].error}}</span></td>


We were using this content HTML in a Jenkins userContent directory. We recently upgraded to the latest Jenkins 1.625 LTS version & it seems they've introduced new Content security policy which adds the below header to the response headers & the browsers simply decline to execute anything like stylesheets / Javascripts.

X-Content-Security-Policy: sandbox; default-src 'none'; img-src 'self'; style-src 'self';

To get over it, we had to simply remove this header by resetting the below property in Jenkins.

System.setProperty("hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP", "")

Those who upgrade to Jenkins 1.625 & use the userContent folder might be affected by this change.

For more information refer https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Configuring+Content+Security+Policy


