AngularJS - 嵌套的指令没有transclude?嵌套、指令、AngularJS、transclude

由网友(幸福↘正在加载中…)分享简介:plunker 。我有一个div属性级别的自定义指令。该指令有一个隔离的范围。里面我的div我有期望能够在父范围的其他指令。I have an attribute-level custom directive in a div. The directive has an isolated scope. Ins...

plunker 。


I have an attribute-level custom directive in a div. The directive has an isolated scope. Inside my div I have other directives that expect to be in the scope of the parent.


The issue is that the directives inside my div have access only to the isolated scope, not to the parent scope. I understand why, but I'm not clear on how to solve it cleanly.

我知道,我可以使用transclude来解决这个(见 plunker ),但这种感觉很马虎。我有没有必要为一个模板,但我不得不创建一个只为transclude工作,并transclude似乎是确保我的嵌套指令访问正确的范围的唯一途径。

I know that I can use transclude to solve this (see plunker) but this feels very sloppy. I have no need for a template, but I'd have to create one just for transclude to work, and transclude seems to be the only way to ensure that my nested directives have access to the correct scope.


Is there an alternative, cleaner way to do this?


To head off some possible questions:

我使用的是属性层次的指令,而不是一个元素级,使事情变得更容易为IE 我使用的是一个孤立的范围,因为这是一个最好的做法 - 我不希望意外软管我的父母范围,我想该指令可以移植。



I'm really not sure what you're trying to do.


But what you're actually doing is leveraging bidirectional binds on an isolated scope for ill-effect. It almost seems unrelated to your question.

总之...... 是更新了自己的plunker

基本上发生了什么事是你孤立指令里面你需要使用你指定的任何名称在声明范围,在这种情况下 toggleOn()

Basically what was happening is inside of your isolated directive you need to use whatever name you've assigned in your scope declaration, in this case toggleOn().

不过,如果你想给你的可以做到这一点。基本上只需要调用 $ parent.colorToggle()

however if you want to you can do this. Basically just call $parent.colorToggle().


