由网友(舞琴)分享简介:我在ASP.NET5,一饮而尽和打字稿组合angular2玩耍。一切工作正常,当我解决角教程,但我不知道如何设置相结合的过程中与ASP.NET 5。我做了一个项目,工作打字稿编译和捆绑,我现在的问题开始: 在我的tsConfig文件添加到项目的根目录下,Visual Studio不承认该文件。当我把它的wwwroot...

我在ASP.NET5,一饮而尽和打字稿组合angular2玩耍。一切工作正常,当我解决角教程,但我不知道如何设置相结合的过程中与ASP.NET 5。


在我的tsConfig文件添加到项目的根目录下,Visual Studio不承认该文件。当我把它的wwwroot /脚本,一切都很好(很奇怪)。

Angular2不支持DefinityTyped了,该文件是空的,包含了我必须安装NPM包的提示。我做到了,但有这么多的文件?我有哪种类型的定义,包括哪些内容?他们没有工作。我总是得到错误,它不能找到angular2 / angular2

这是非常奇怪的。当我使用CommonJS的打字稿为汇编作品。我真的很困惑,因为我不知道该怎么工作包括。 ReSharper的显示了很多的错误,但是当我可以禁用它的那一刻。

该Angular2 NPM软件包还包含脚本文件。但是,由于这一事实,他们在外面我不能直接引用它们。我不能用脚本找到一个凉亭包,它也没有意义有包的两倍。

我会约一个教程或一些最佳实践如何设置angular2用 5很高兴。

BTW:有这么多的软件包管理器:NPM,的NuGet,一饮而尽,TSD ...


我同意,这是起初有点令人困惑得到angular2起来,在Visual Studio 5的环境中运行。我把我的angular2应用程序相关的打字稿文件的文件夹在名为app(大写字母A),然后使用一饮而尽根到transpile成JavaScript进入应用程序(小的一个)在./wwwroot/app 。该tsconfig.json文件似乎功能在App文件夹确定,它看起来如下:


{r  compilerOptions:{r    emitDecoratorMetadata:真实,r    experimentalDecorators:真实,r    模块:系统r    moduleResolution:节点,r    noImplicitAny:假的,r    noEmitOnError:真实,r    removeComments:假的,r    sourceMap:真实,r    目标:ES5r    OUTDIR:wwwroot文件/程序/r  },r  排除:[r    node_modulesr    wwwroot的r  ]r}




VAR TS =要求(一饮而尽,打字稿)r    VAR tsProject = ts.createProject(./应用/ tsconfig.json);r    gulp.task(编译:TS功能(){r        VAR tsResult = tsProject.src()r            .pipe(TS(tsProject));r        tsResult.js.pipe(gulp.dest(./ wwwroot文件/程序));r        返回gulp.src('./应用/ ** / *。{HTML,JSON}')r        .pipe(gulp.dest('./ wwwroot文件/应用程序'));r    }); Angular 5和ASP.NET Core入门



现在,我知道你可能不想听到另一个包马槽,但我建议你考虑使用JSPM。通过内置system.js同一支球队建,JSPM真正擅长的捆绑应用angular2生产。 JSPM需要你有一个config.json文件在您的根和矿(配置告诉JSPM哪里angular2开发依赖关系)如下:


System.config({r  BASEURL:/,r  defaultJSExtensions:真实,r  transpiler:打字稿r  路径:{r    故宫:*:jspm_packages / NPM / *,r    github上:*:jspm_packages / github上/ *,r    node_modules *:node_modules / *r  },rr  包:{r    应用程序:{r      defaultExtension:JSr    }r  },rr  图:{r    angular2:node_modules / angular2,r    引导:github上:twbs/bootstrap@3.3.6r    jQuery的:github上:components/jquery@2.1.4r    rxjs:node_modules / rxjs,r    TS:github上:frankwallis/plugin-typescript@2.4.3r    打字稿:故宫:typescript@1.7.5r    github上:frankwallis/plugin-typescript@2.4.3:{r      打字稿:故宫:typescript@1.7.5r    },r    github上:twbs/bootstrap@3.3.6:{r      jQuery的:github上:components/jquery@2.1.4r    }r  }r});




VAR gulp_jspm =要求(一饮而尽-JSPM);rgulp.task(jspm_bundle,[编译:TS],函数(){r    返回gulp.src(./ wwwroot文件/程序/ bootApp.js)r        .pipe(gulp_jspm({selfExecutingBundle:真}))r        .pipe(gulp.dest(./ wwwroot文件/程序的构建/));rr});




<脚本SRC =〜/应用程序的构建/ bootApp.bundle.min ?.js文件v=@AppSettings.Value.BundleVersion> < / SCRIPT>


I playing around with angular2 in combination with ASP.NET5, gulp and typescript. Everything works fine when I solve the tutorials for Angular, but I am not sure how to setup the process in combination with ASP.NET 5.

I made a project with working typescript compilation and bundling and I now the issues are starting:

When I add the tsConfig file to the root of the project, visual studio does not recognizes the file. When I place it to wwwroot/scripts everything is fine (very strange).

Angular2 does not support DefinityTyped anymore, the file is empty and contains the hint that I must install the npm package. I did it but there are so many files? Which type definitions do I have to include? None of them works. I always get the error that it cannot find angular2/angular2

It is very strange. When I use commonjs for typescript the compilation works. I am really confused because I dont understand how the include works. Resharper shows a lot of errors but when I can disable it for the moment.

The Angular2 NPM Package also contains the script files. But because of the fact that they are outside I cannot reference them directly. I cannot find a bower package with the scripts and it also make no sense to have the package twice.

I would be quite happy about a tutorial or some best practices how to setup angular2 with 5.

Btw: There are so much package managers: NPM, NuGet, gulp, tsd...


I agree, it is somewhat bewildering at first to get angular2 up and running in the Visual Studio 5 environment. I put the typescript files associated with my angular2 app in a folder on the root called App (capital "A") and then use gulp to transpile into javascript into the "app" (small "a") at "./wwwroot/app". The tsconfig.json file seems to function ok in the App folder and it looks as follows:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "module": "system",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "noImplicitAny": false,
    "noEmitOnError": true,
    "removeComments": false,
    "sourceMap": true,
    "target": "es5",
    "outDir": "wwwroot/app/"
  "exclude": [

My gulp task looks as follows (note that I also need to copy any associated html views and json files to the app folder as well):

     var ts = require("gulp-typescript")
    var tsProject = ts.createProject("./App/tsconfig.json");
    gulp.task("compile:ts", function () {
        var tsResult = tsProject.src()
        return gulp.src('./App/**/*.{html,json}')

Now when i run the gulp task "compile:ts" my "app" folder gets all the proper asssets.

Now, I realize you probably do not want to hear about yet another package manger, but I recommend you consider using JSPM. Built by the same team that built system.js, JSPM really excels in bundling your angular2 app for production. JSPM requires that you have a config.json file in your root and mine (configured to tell JSPM where the angular2 dev dependencies are) is as follows:

  baseURL: "/",
  defaultJSExtensions: true,
  transpiler: "typescript",
  paths: {
    "npm:*": "jspm_packages/npm/*",
    "github:*": "jspm_packages/github/*",
    "node_modules*": "node_modules/*"

  packages: {
    "app": {
      "defaultExtension": "js"

  map: {
    "angular2": "node_modules/angular2",
    "bootstrap": "github:twbs/bootstrap@3.3.6",
    "jquery": "github:components/jquery@2.1.4",
    "rxjs": "node_modules/rxjs",
    "ts": "github:frankwallis/plugin-typescript@2.4.3",
    "typescript": "npm:typescript@1.7.5",
    "github:frankwallis/plugin-typescript@2.4.3": {
      "typescript": "npm:typescript@1.7.5"
    "github:twbs/bootstrap@3.3.6": {
      "jquery": "github:components/jquery@2.1.4"

The I use a gulp-jspm to execute the bundling into on self-contained js file:

var gulp_jspm = require("gulp-jspm");
gulp.task("jspm_bundle", ["compile:ts"], function() {
    return gulp.src("./wwwroot/app/bootApp.js")
        .pipe(gulp_jspm({ selfExecutingBundle: true }))


Then into your index.html file you have one nice tidy script reference:

<script src="~/app-build/bootApp.bundle.min.js?v=@AppSettings.Value.BundleVersion"> </script>

When I build for production I change the BundleVersion variable as a cache buster.


