与AngularJS和指令初学者的问题 - 包装一个jQuery组件指令、初学者、组件、问题

由网友(如此丶寂寞)分享简介:首先,我要提到我只是努力过渡到客户方的编程。我是很新的JS。我的previous经验,主要是C和一些汇编。我也做了一些非常简单的PHP年前,这里还是4.0。因此,在短期,新的JavaScript,但把我的头周围一点。First, I should mention I am just working on transi...


First, I should mention I am just working on transitioning to clientside programming. I am very new to js. My previous experience is primarily in C and some assembly. I also did a bit of very simple php years ago when it was still 4.0. So in short, new to javascript but putting my head around it a bit.


I have done quite a bit of searching and lurking but have not been able to rectify my issues.


I am figuring out some of the basics of AngularJS and it is quite nice, but I am having difficulty wrapping my head around how directives work and how to access data from custom controls.


Long story short I am trying to make a custom control for bootstrap work with angularjs so I can use it in forms properly.

下面是控制: http://tarruda.github.com/bootstrap-datetimepicker/


I have some other controls that I want to make work but I figure if I can get this one going I can probably get the others easily enough.

下面是一个基本的框架我有什么在这一点上的链接: http://jsfiddle.net/ uwC9k / 6 /

Here is a link to a basic framework what I have at this point: http://jsfiddle.net/uwC9k/6/


First off, I am trying to wrap my head around how to initialize the control once I have the template working (Which, I pretty much do at this point I think)

link: function(scope, element, attr) {
            attr.$observe('dpid', function(value) {
                if(value) {
              $('#' + scope.dpid).datetimepicker({
                  language: 'en',
                  pick12HourFormat: true

当我把在链接指令,它什么都不做。我甚至不看任何错误。 scope.dpid确实显示控件的ID,所以我认为这是可行的。但是,唉,我的JavaScript的febble理解告诉我,我的范围或一些这样的废话,我无法访问元素之外。

When I put that in the link directive, it does nothing. I don't even see any errors. scope.dpid is indeed showing the ID of the control so I thought it would work. But alas, my febble understanding of javascript tells me that I am outside of the scope or some such nonsense where I cannot access the element.


Once I get that going, I am not exactly sure how to make this data accessible in forms either.

任何帮助是极大AP preciated。

Any help is greatly appreciated.

更新得到了基本的工作位,现在我需要知道如何从控制新进我的控制器获取数据。这里是对新的jsfiddle更新的链接。 http://jsfiddle.net/tmZDY/1/

更新2 我想我已经就如何使这些数据访问,但我的javascript的缺乏知识给我留下又干的想法。

Update 2 I think I have an idea on how to make this data accessible but my lacking knowledge of javascript has left me dry again.


when I create the object I do it thusly.

var elDatepicker = element.datetimepicker({
language : 'en',
pick12HourFormat : true,


However, when I try to use this object it does not seem to be getting the correct one, or I am just missing some basic knowledge. Either way this is sure making me feel foolish.



This fails, getDate is indeed a method, at least it looks like it is in the code of the plugin.


而不是一个孤立的范围,可以找到()第一个 DIV 您的模板然后申请的DateTimePicker和()。所以,你不需要 ID 在你的HTML:

Instead of an isolate scope, you can find() the first div of your template and then apply datetimepicker(). So you don't need an id in your HTML:

<datepicker model="mydate"></datepicker>
mydate = {{mydate}}


.directive('datepicker', function ($parse) {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        template: '<div class="well"><div class="input-append">'
         + '<input data-format="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss PP" type="text"></input>'
         + '<span class="add-on"><i data-time-icon="icon-time" data-date-icon="icon-calendar"></i></span>'
         + '</div></div>',
        link: function (scope, element, attr) {
            var picker = element.find('div').datetimepicker({
                language: 'en',
                pick12HourFormat: true
            var model = $parse(attrs.model);
            picker.on('changeDate', function(e) {
               model.assign(scope, e.date.toString());



$parse is a bit tricky. What I show is the main use case for it: we parse an attribute and get back a function which has an assign() method on it that allows us to change the scope property.


