
由网友(向前跑,迎着冷眼和嘲笑)分享简介:我想用一个jQuery插件,以操作DOM在AngularJS指令。 I am trying to manipulate DOM in an AngularJS Directive using a Jquery plugin. 我不知道,如果AngularJs使用的是完整版的Jquery与否,虽然完整版剧本是在头部,...


I am trying to manipulate DOM in an AngularJS Directive using a Jquery plugin.


I am not sure if AngularJs is using the full version of Jquery or not, although the full version script is on the head while AngularJs script is on the body so in theory AngularJS should use the full version. However, the log entry inside directive does not show anything is selected. While the exact same syntax inside Chrome console returns all the lis inside the ul.


<ul id="myUl"  class="gallery unstyled">
    <li class="galleryitem" ng-repeat="i in images">
        <a href="{{i.LargeImage.URL}}"><img ng-src="{{i.MediumImage.URL}}" /></a>


.directive('gallery',function() {
    return {
        restrict : 'C',
        link : function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs) {
        console.log($(".gallery li"));


PS: I just realized that



does return the ul with li within them but not

console.log($(".gallery li"));


Which makes me think that the full version is not loaded.


jQuery是加载,但是当你调用 $('画廊')在链接功能 NG-转发前pression尚未评估,因此在那一刻,所有的元素不在DOM。只是为了实验,可以调用选择前加一个延迟

jQuery is loaded, but when you call $('.gallery') in the linking function the ng-repeater expression has not been evaluated yet, so at that moment all those li elements are not in the DOM. Just to experiment, you can add a delay before calling the selector

  console.log($(".gallery li"));
}, 1000);

然后,你会得到所有的元素,因为要查询 NG-中继后的DOM 是评估。这就是为什么运行选择节点从控制台的作品。

Then, you'll get all the li elements because you are querying the DOM after ng-repeater was evaluated. This is why running selecting the li nodes from the console works.

继续,当它说,角使用jQuery时加载库意味着 angular.element 实现选择和里面的指令元素的引用有jQuery方法问世之前。该建议是操作DOM中指令的元素在背景

Before continuing, when it's said that angular uses jQuery when the library is loaded means that angular.element implements selectors and that references to elements inside directives have jQuery methods available. The recommendation is to manipulate the DOM in the context of the directive's element

iElement.find('li')    // instead of $('.gallery li')

现在,你可能会疑惑,那我怎么修改DOM?嗯,这取决于的究竟是你想实现的。既然你要在所有的里操作DOM 在 ngRepeater 您可能需要使用特殊的指令 checkLast ,当在中继器的最后一个项目是通过检查呈现检查 $最后真正

Now, you might be wondering, then how do I modify the DOM? Well, it depends of what exactly are you trying to achieve. Since you want to manipulate the DOM after all the li have been rendered in the ngRepeater you might want to use a special directive checkLast that checks when the last item in the repeater is rendered by checking if $last is true


Here's a jsfiddle from someone in this google groups discussion.

或者你可以 $观看对于一些scope属性来改变。

Or you could $watch for some scope property to change.


