AngularJS ngResource删除事件事件、AngularJS、ngResource

由网友(过去的过不去)分享简介:我试图保持资源列表保持最新为用户与之互动。使用AngularJS ngResource我最初使用它的查询方法抢单。然后,每个资源有一个 $删除(或 $删除)的方法,对吗?但是,烧制后的资源不会被删除从列表从查询返回。 I'm trying to keep a list of resources up to date...

我试图保持资源列表保持最新为用户与之互动。使用AngularJS ngResource我最初使用它的查询方法抢单。然后,每个资源有一个 $删除(或 $删除)的方法,对吗?但是,烧制后的资源不会被删除从列表从查询返回。

I'm trying to keep a list of resources up to date as a user interacts with it. Using an AngularJS ngResource I initially grab the list using it's query method. Each resource then has a $remove (or $delete) method, right? But when fired, the resource isn't removed from the list returned from query.

这是问了很多,我知道,但我几乎希望它只是为我做的一切。保存,我怎么能做到这一点。请问资源本身散发出某种事件?它有一个删除属性,我可以 $观看?我将如何去知道,资源是 $删除倒是这样我就可以拼接出来的名单?

This is asking a lot, I know, but I was almost hoping it would just do everything for me. Save that, how could I accomplish this. Does the resource itself emit some kind of event? Does it have a deleted property I can $watch? How would I go about know that a resource was $remove'd so I can splice it out of the list?



您必须使用阵列拼接方法来删除它( $指数是NG-repeat的隐式索引)。

You have to use Array's splice method to remove it ($index is ng-repeat's implicit index).

$scope.removeItem = function (index) {
    $scope.items.splice(index, 1);


And then in your HTML

<a ng-click="removeItem($index)">remove me</a>

