
由网友(19.精神病院院长)分享简介:我在我的学习应用程序下面的示例code。服务做他的工作,并拉起一些数据出来由PHP生成使用JSON code页面,到目前为止,一切顺利。I have the following example code in my learning app. The service does his job and pulls so...

我在我的学习应用程序下面的示例code。服务做他的工作,并拉起一些数据出来由PHP生成使用JSON code页面,到目前为止,一切顺利。

I have the following example code in my learning app. The service does his job and pulls some data out of a page with json code generated by php, so far so good.


(function() {
    'use strict';

        .service('DashboardService', DashboardService);

    DashboardService.$inject = ['$http'];
    function DashboardService($http) {

        this.getFormules = getFormules;


        function getFormules(onReady, onError) {
            var formJson = 'server/php/get-formules.php',
                formURL  = formJson + '?v=' + (new Date().getTime()); // Disables cash

            onError = onError || function() { alert('Failure loading menu'); };

                .then(onReady, onError);


然后调用函数getFormules在我的控制器,并把所有数据里面我的$ scope.formuleItems和测试,如果一切成功和o不'... $ scope.formuleItems =未定义 - 奇怪,因为我的看法是显示数据的


    dataLoader.getFormules(function (items){

        $scope.formuleItems = items.data;


    console.log('+++++++++++++++++', $scope.formuleItems); // gives undefined



I know there are some walkarounds for this, i've done my own research, but something tells me that this (see example below) isn't the best way to solve this problem.


$scope.$watch('formuleItems', function(checkValue) {
   if (checkValue !== undefined) {
     //put the code in here!


if($scope.formuleItems != null) {}

控制器的其余部分是依靠$ scope.formuleItems。难道我真的把一切都变成了 $观看如果?我可以承诺解决这一问题?我从来没有之前那么一些帮助将AP preciated。

The rest of the controller is relying on $scope.formuleItems. Do i really have to put everything into that $watch or if? Can i fix this with a promise? I never did that before so some help would be appreciated.



function (items){
    $scope.formuleItems = items.data;


is evaluated asynchronously. That means you first fire the request, then javascript keeps on executing your lines of code, hence performs

console.log('+++++++++++++++++', $scope.formuleItems); // gives undefined

此时回调尚未被调用,因为这需要一些时间,并且可以在任何时候发生。执行不停止对于这一点。因此$ scope.formuleItems的价值仍然是不确定的,当然。

At this point the callback was not invoked yet, because this takes some time and can happen at any point. The execution is not stopped for this. Therefore the value of $scope.formuleItems is still undefined, of course.

之后 - 在未来的某些不限定的时间(可能几毫秒后)回调将被调用和$ scope.formuleItems的值将被改变。您需要登录您的回调函数的值INSIDE。

After that - at some not defined time in the future (probably a few milliseconds later) the callback will be invoked and the value of $scope.formuleItems will be changed. You have to log the value INSIDE of your callback-function.


You urgently have to understand this concept if you want to succeed in JavaScript, because this happens over and over again :)