









  英 [tæp] 美 [tæp]


  现在分词: tapping

  过去式: tapped

  过去分词: tapped


  1. A tap on the door interrupted him and Sally Pierce came in.


  2. Tap your cheeks all over with the pads of your fingers.


  3. The government passed laws allowing the police to tap telephones.


  4. Tap each one firmly on your work surface to settle the mixture.


  5. You must have left a tap running in the bathroom.


  6. Filtered water is always on tap, making it very convenient to use.


  7. They worried about the purity of tap water.


  8. They heard him running the kitchen tap.


  9. He never drinks tap water.


  10. Tap water is drinkable everywhere in the Algarve.


  11. The pass left Zidane with a simple tap-in.


  12. Is the tap water safe to drink?


  13. Tap the lid down carefully so as not to break the contents.


  14. Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the tap.


  15. He gave a tap at the microphone before speaking.









  A Republican US senator, Lance Dreyer, held a press conference yesterday. He thanked the media for showing up, and then protested that he was not gay and had never been gay. He said he had never been involved in any way with a man. He said that he had hired a lawyer to help him defend his good name. Furthermore, Dreyer said, he had no plans of resigning. Then, instead of allowing the two dozen media members, including TV and radio reporters, to ask questions, he simply got in his car and left. His remarks made headlines on all the local and national TV shows.

  In June, Dreyer had been arrested in an airport rest room by a plain-clothes detective. Because of complaints from the public that gay men had been having sex in the rest room, the city’s vice squad went into action. The detective, Thad Grey, would sit in a stall and wait for men to suggest having sex with him.

  Dreyer entered the rest room and sat in the stall just to the left of the detective. Dreyer’s right foot edged closer and closer to Grey’s stall. When his foot was under the divider, he started tapping his foot. Tap-tap-tap. Tap. Tap-tap-tap. Grey repeated the seven taps in the same pattern. Then Dreyer tapped with his knuckle on the dividing wall. Tap-tap. Tap-tap. Grey repeated the signal. Then Dreyer put his right hand under the dividing wall and gave the thumbs-up signal. Grey gave the same signal back, and then walked into Dreyer’s stall and arrested him for soliciting sex in a public facility.

  Dreyer pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of “disorderly conduct.” He denied that his actions were signals for sex. He said that he was merely signaling that he had no toilet paper in his stall.


  Actor Brett Maverick, the lead actor in many movies, was taken to Cedars-Sinai Hospital after his brother called an ambulance. Luke had found Brett in a dazed state with both of his wrists slashed. A hospital spokesperson said that the cuts on his wrists were superficial, and that Brett was in good condition.

  The actor has starred in many romantic comedies. He often portrays a character who meets a girl who doesn’t like him at first but falls in love with him by the end of the movie. In fact, a real-life romance occurred in his last movie. His costar, actress Katherine Hepburn, fell in love with Brett and moved in with him. This occurred despite the fact that Katherine was engaged to wed Richard Burton, another well-known actor. Burton, heartbroken, told the media that he was going to become a Buddhist monk.

  Unfortunately for Brett, Katherine recently made another movie with actor Errol Flynn. This movie, “Love in Baghdad,” is a drama involving a married couple who are separated by terrorists. Katherine told Brett she was going to “visit” Errol on his 200-foot yacht after filming was finished. But soon afterward, TV entertainment shows like “Access Hollywood” and “Entertainment Tonight” showed photos and videos almost daily of Katherine and Errol hugging, kissing, dancing, and shopping.

  “Brett couldn’t take it anymore,” said Luke. “He was ready to settle down with Katherine. He was going to quit acting. He had told her that he planned to buy a ranch in Wyoming for the two of them. Just them, the blue sky, the meadows, and the cows and the sheep, for the rest of their lives.”


  An animal rights group in Phoenix, Arizona is gathering signatures to present to the president of PetsRUs, a nationwide store that sells pet accessories and small pets. “They said they would never sell dogs, cats, or rabbits,” said activist Barbara Walters. “Now they’re selling rabbits, and it’s only a matter of time before they start selling cats and dogs.”

  She said that there are already too many rabbits in shelters, along with too many cats and dogs. People can get all the rabbits, cats, and dogs that they want at any local shelter, she advised. In addition, she warned that rabbits make terrible pets: they scratch, they bite, they’re not people friendly, they don’t like to be held or petted, they multiply like “well, like rabbits,” and they’re high maintenance. She said that people no sooner buy a rabbit than a month or two later they take it out to a field and release it. These house-reared rabbits often die quickly in the wild, she said. Finally, she said, there are plenty of small, independent pet shops that already sell rabbits, so it’s not like there’s a lack of places to get these so-called pets.

  A spokesman said that this was only a trial program for PetsRUs. The Phoenix store was the only store in the state that was selling rabbits. He said that a market survey showed a demand for rabbits, and that PetsRUs was merely trying to satisfy customer needs. If sales were slow, he said, the trial program would probably end. “I don’t know what the problem is,” he said. “Rabbits are cute, they don’t bark, and they eat all the vegetables that your kids refuse to eat.”
















  用作名词 (n.)

  on tap

  用作动词 (v.)

  tap down (v.+adv.)

  tap on (v.+prep.)

  tap with (v.+prep.)


  1. A tap on the door interrupted him and Sally Pierce came in.


  2. Tap your cheeks all over with the pads of your fingers.


  3. The government passed laws allowing the police to tap telephones.


  4. Tap each one firmly on your work surface to settle the mixture.


  5. You must have left a tap running in the bathroom.


  6. Filtered water is always on tap, making it very convenient to use.


  7. They worried about the purity of tap water.


  8. They heard him running the kitchen tap.


  9. He never drinks tap water.


  10. Tap water is drinkable everywhere in the Algarve.


  11. The pass left Zidane with a simple tap-in.


  12. Is the tap water safe to drink?


  13. Tap the lid down carefully so as not to break the contents.


  14. Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the tap.


  15. He gave a tap at the microphone before speaking.






  How the slates of the roof sparkle in the sun,

  over there, over there,

  beyond the high wall! How quietly the Seine runs in loops

  and windings,

  over there, over there, sliding through the green countryside! Like


  of the line, stately with canvas, the tall clouds pass along the


  over the glittering roof, over the trees, over the looped and curving


  A breeze quivers through the linden-trees. Roses bloom

  at Malmaison.

  Roses! Roses! But the road is dusty. Already

  the Citoyenne Beauharnais

  wearies of her walk. Her skin is chalked and powdered

  with dust,

  she smells dust, and behind the wall are roses! Roses


  smooth open petals, poised above rippling leaves . . . Roses

  . . .

  They have told her so. The Citoyenne Beauharnais shrugs

  her shoulders

  and makes a little face. She must mend her pace if she

  would be back

  in time for dinner. Roses indeed! The guillotine

  more likely.

  The tiered clouds float over Malmaison, and the slate roof sparkles

  in the sun.

  洛威尔经典诗歌欣赏:The Hammers(节选)


  Frindsbury, Kent, 1786




  Tap-a-tap! Rap!

  All through the lead and silver Winter days,

  All through the copper of Autumn hazes.

  Tap to the red rising sun,

  Tap to the purple setting sun.

  Four years pass before the job is done.

  Two thousand oak trees grown and felled,

  Two thousand oaks from the hedgerows of the Weald,

  Sussex had yielded two thousand oaks

  With huge boles

  Round which the tape rolls

  Thirty mortal feet, say the village folks.

  Two hundred loads of elm and Scottish fir;

  Planking from Dantzig.

  My! What timber goes into a ship!

  Tap! Tap!

  Two years they have seasoned her ribs on the ways,

  Tapping, tapping.

  You can hear, though there's nothing where you gaze.

  Through the fog down the reaches of the river,

  The tapping goes on like heart-beats in a fever.

  The church-bells chime

  Hours and hours,

  Dropping days in showers.

  Bang! Rap! Tap!

  Go the hammers all the time.

  They have planked up her timbers

  And the nails are driven to the head;

  They have decked her over,

  And again, and again.

  The shoring-up beams shudder at the strain.

  Black and blue breeches,

  Pigtails bound and shining:

  Like ants crawling about,

  The hull swarms with carpenters, running in and out.

  Joiners, calkers,

  And they are all terrible talkers.

  Jem Wilson has been to sea and he tells some wonderful tales

  Of whales, and spice islands,

  And pirates off the Barbary coast.

  He boasts magnificently, with his mouth full of nails.

  Stephen Pibold has a tenor voice,

  He shifts his quid of tobacco and sings:

  "The second in command was blear-eyed Ned:

  While the surgeon his limb

  was a-lopping,

  A nine-pounder came and smack went his head,

  Pull away, pull away, pull

  away! I say;

  Rare news for my Meg of Wapping!"

  Every Sunday

  People come in crowds

  (After church-time, of course)

  In curricles, and gigs, and wagons,

  And some have brought cold chicken and flagons

  Of wine,

  And beer in stoppered jugs.

  "Dear! Dear! But I tell 'ee 'twill be a fine


  There's none finer in any of the slips at Chatham."

  The third Summer's roses have started in to blow,

  When the fine stern carving is begun.

  Flutings, and twinings, and long slow swirls,

  Bits of deal shaved away to thin spiral curls.

  Tap! Tap! A cornucopia is nailed into place.

  Rap-a-tap! They are putting up a railing filigreed like

  Irish lace.

  The Three Town's people never saw such grace.

  And the paint on it! The richest gold leaf!

  Why, the glitter when the sun is shining passes belief.

  And that row of glass windows tipped toward the sky

  Are rubies and carbuncles when the day is dry.

  Oh, my! Oh, my!

  They have coppered up the bottom,

  And the copper nails

  Stand about and sparkle in big wooden pails.

  Bang! Clash! Bang!

  "And he swigg'd, and Nick swigg'd,

  And Ben swigg'd, and Dick swigg'd,

  And I swigg'd, and all of us swigg'd it,

  And swore there was nothing

  like grog."

  It seems they sing,

  Even though coppering is not an easy thing.

  What a splendid specimen of humanity is a true British workman,

  Say the people of the Three Towns,

  As they walk about the dockyard

  To the sound of the evening church-bells.

  And so artistic, too, each one tells his neighbour.

  What immense taste and labour!

  Miss Jessie Prime, in a pink silk bonnet,

  Titters with delight as her eyes fall upon it,

  When she steps lightly down from Lawyer Green's whisky;

  Such amazing beauty makes one feel frisky,

  She explains.

  Mr. Nichols says he is delighted

  (He is the firm);

  His work is all requited

  If Miss Jessie can approve.

  Miss Jessie answers that the ship is "a love".

  The sides are yellow as marigold,

  The port-lids are red when the ports are up:

  Blood-red squares like an even chequer

  Of yellow asters and portulaca.

  There is a wide "black strake" at the waterline

  And above is a blue like the sky when the weather is fine.

  The inner bulwarks are painted red.

  "Why?" asks Miss Jessie. "'Tis a horrid note."

  Mr. Nichols clears his throat,

  And tells her the launching day is set.

  He says, "Be careful, the paint is wet."

  But Miss Jessie has touched it, her sprigged muslin gown

  Has a blood-red streak from the shoulder down.

  "It looks like blood," says Miss Jessie with a frown.

  Tap! Tap! Rap!

  An October day, with waves running in blue-white lines and a capful

  of wind.

  Three broad flags ripple out behind

  Where the masts will be:

  Royal Standard at the main,

  Admiralty flag at the fore,

  Union Jack at the mizzen.

  The hammers tap harder, faster,

  They must finish by noon.

  The last nail is driven.

  But the wind has increased to half a gale,

  And the ship shakes and quivers upon the ways.

  The Commissioner of Chatham Dockyard is coming

  In his ten-oared barge from the King's Stairs;

  The Marine's band will play "God Save Great George Our King";

  And there is to be a dinner afterwards at the Crown, with speeches.

  The wind screeches, and flaps the flags till they pound like hammers.

  The wind hums over the ship,

  And slips round the dog-shores,

  Jostling them almost to falling.

  There is no time now to wait for Commissioners and marine bands.

  Mr. Nichols has a bottle of port in his hands.

  He leans over, holding his hat, and shouts to the men below:

  "Let her go!"

  Bang! Bang! Pound!

  The dog-shores fall to the ground,

  And the ship slides down the greased planking.

  A splintering of glass,

  And port wine running all over the white and copper stem timbers.

  "Success to his Majesty's ship, the Bellerophon!"

  And the red wine washes away in the waters of the Medway.


