
由网友(爱情一斤多少钱)分享简介:英文表扬信1敬爱的新东方国外部领导:  您们好!  我们是TCZ501班的同学,在这七周的学习期间,你们每一位老师都给我们留下了深刻的印象。你们不仅用风趣、幽默又充满激情的讲课风格教授了我们很多知识,更教会了我们这样做人,怎样生活。在此,我们表示深切的`感谢!我们更要感谢我们辅导员张帆老师和班主任李宝英老师。他们在...英文表扬信

英文表扬信 篇1

  Letter of commendation

  Respect school leadership:

  I am ST2B evening students' parents, the child came to our school has two semesters, at a child changes from day to day, every little bit of progress, my mom has not moved and the pleasure, I know there 's two teachers Jemma and Xu Liyan's hard work and sweat.

  The child came to class when the mood is somewhat inconsistent, not too likes to class, each time is I was forced to, but after a few classes, children are of great changes, every time when I was in school days, will be offered to you, is ill, will insist to class, children in the learning attitude is so big change, and I think our two teachers efforts are inseparable.

  In this year, the child 's level of spoken English has changed, the pronunciation than ever learn in kindergarten to standard, still remember the boy came to class, and the teacher talk basically is a pop words, but now the children and teachers in the dialogue, are there in answering the question, also very naturally use acquired knowledge to real life, and often at home when the" little teacher", teach what they had learned to grandfather grandma, this let me see the progress of their children is very big also is very fast, thank you very much for Xu Liyan Jemma and two teachers.

  Jemma teacher although usually after the communication with parents is not much, but each open class for me very deep impression, she always energetic, passionate, the classroom atmosphere is always so active, the child from the first minute of the class until the last minute is by Jemma teacher deeply attracted. Children always feel, 45 minutes had a good fast ah. I remember a public class Jemma teacher is ill, I am also after class to know, but a lesson time, I never felt a thing to Jemma teacher has signs of illness, she still as usual energetic child to school, very dedicated, it made me very moved. Still remember once open class fast at the end of the class, the teacher gave the children a small oil, after the children had finished conveniently to throw waste paper on the ground, Jemma teacher to let your child pick it up, and throw it into the garbage bin, although this is a small thing, but I was shocked, because I the children except here can learn standard English, also I can learn more good habits, which indicates that the Jemma teacher's character and morality are very good.

  Each lesson after school, look at the other class teachers leave the children after the parents is all right, but our class teacher Xu Liyan is not the same, every time after school, is the first to come out and say in class today, the content of what is, what is the point, the next class to learn what knowledge, after coming home the parents should let their children to review and preview what content, can say each child class performance, is never parents after the teacher to understand the situation of children, which makes me very touched. But I found our class teacher always very early to meet every child in the class, and for the children are ready for the English little cartoon for children to enjoy, there were many times other classes of children to our classroom together, their parents say that we make the teacher to children are particularly good. We usually work on Facebook, and teacher for each student 's restaurant, she is very careful, as parents of the students is also very satisfied. Xu for child care and meticulous, now cold, the children at school, so the teacher always in the afternoon, send text messages to remind parents, add to the baby clothes, pay attention to keep warm, although is a text message, but let me feel warm. Once in the class, and the friends' parents chat when she told me one thing, she said once, she took her children to go to the bathroom, I met a teacher with the class another little friend in the toilet stool, the children and her children in kindergarten classmates, she just want to wait for

  the little friends stool over to help her, she wipes, because the parents feel a teacher just graduated from the school, not married and has no children, must be too dirty, but she did not think of is, Xu is the first step to her little friend eraser the ass, she was very surprised. After hearing her talk about it, I was very impressed by the. This bit by bit touching things there are many.

  Here to the Jemma and Xu Liyan two the teacher said thank you very much, you have worked hard!

  Paul’ mother

英文表扬信 篇2

  A letter of commendation for work

  XXXX customer relationship center:

  I'm XX Guangzhou XXX owners, XX XX, director of the center bay customer Association XX engineers and XX engineers, XX built seven Zhongtian two workers give attention to my heart Water Leakage negative issues on the first floor, and help my family to do the floor waterproof project, this letter to express my gratitude emotion. (4) QQ humorous signature

  I in before the Spring Festival this year moved into new homes to live in XX Bay, after a period of time, I found the home has a negative Water Leakage phenomenon, I immediately called the Paradiso customer relationship center Water Leakage reflect the problem.

  I was more than seven in the morning to call the customer relationship Center Director Li Tingchun, Chen Yirong, their two engineer one morning to go to work more than 8 points directly to my view Water Leakage, and quickly contacted the seven transit built XX engineer is responsible for handling my Water Leakage problem. The May Day holiday period, XX XX engineers led two workers for my first floor re waterproofing construction, during construction, for the owners responsible for their thinking, careful and meticulous work, not afraid of trouble, due to the recent rain, the weather is wet, they ensure the quality of the project, proposed to wait until completely dry to PU waterproof glue floor tiles and tiles, so they waited for more than and 10 days, during which they have repeatedly check whether my waterproof glue is dry, until the waterproof glue completely dry, they also re house paved tiles and tiles, and take the initiative to help me install to unload the wash basin and toilet.

  In dealing with the problem of my Water Leakage and floor waterproof project construction process, director of the XX, XX and XX engineers, two workers from XX showed no tired, never complain, but always very carefully to find the cause, solve the problem for me, I was very touched by this. Their responsible attitude touched me deeply, deepened my understanding of XX real estate customer relationship center, also let me realize the leadership again taking the lead role, because during the housing renovation in my repossession procedures and customer relationship center XX manager for my questions and requirements the heart always give a response, and personally to the scene to see, I quickly solve the problem. I want to touch it is not necessary, the real thing is most people move.

  Please convey my thanks to your company again, director of the XX XX XXXX and XX engineers, two workers, and expect this work seriously to represent most of the XX estate employees face.

  I wish your business booming!

英文表扬信 篇3

Dear Bob (or Mr. Smith or Bob Smith) ,

  Thank you for choosing Murphy's Cleaning Services (or name of your company). Your business is appreciated, and we are proud to be your new cleaning service ( your service) provider (alternative words also company). Thanks again.


  Dave Murphy

英文表扬信 篇4

  dear mike,

  many thanks for your party; i had a lovely evening with you, your family and friends.

  your family members were very kind and hospitable. you really made me feel home. please remember me to your mum; she prepared a beautiful meal that i greatly enjoyed. and also to your little sister sophia; she dances very well. i foresee a promising dance career for her in the future. your friends were all easy-going and charming. i really enjoyed meeting them

  thanks again for your invitation, your hospitality, your family, your friends and all the wonderful memories i have from your party.

  with many best wishes!

  sincerely yours,


英文表扬信 篇


