
由网友(少年- 许诺不可信之)分享简介:一句格言的启示每个人都拥有他的座右铭,我当然也不例外。世上无难事,只怕有心人,这并不是我的一时兴起,它的背后是有故事的。那是在一个晚上,我和平常一样,做着令人讨厌的奥数题。可是我就有一个天性懒惰!一看见那些复杂的图画和题目,脑瓜子根本就不会思考,直接大声叫道:爸爸!我这一道题不会做,你过来给我讲一下。一阵脚步声后,爸...











































there are many famous sayings in my daily life and study that give me a lot of inspiration. one of the most unforgettable is "good at asking, half of the knowledge has been acquired." this famous saying.


i remember when i was in the first grade, i was very introverted and timid. during the break, unless my classmates talk to me first, i would not take the initiative to talk to others. once in class, the teacher was teaching ancient poetry. i didn't know what the meaning of "frost on the ground" in the poem "suspected frost on the ground" was. the teacher didn't say it either, so i had to go home and ask my mother. back home, i told my mother this question, but my mother asked me to ask the teacher. "ask the teacher! i dare not. " it's a big problem for me. i'm afraid of my teacher at ordinary times. i dare not even pass by him, let alone talk to him. so my mother said to me, "nini, there's a famous saying," ask well, you've got half the knowledge. " that is to say, ask if you don't understand, then you will have more knowledge. " after listening to my mother's words, the next day, i summoned up my courage and went to the teacher and said, "miss zhang, i don't understand the frost on the ground in the frost on the ground. can you explain it to me?" at this time, my heart was pounding with criticism. i thought the teacher would scold me. i couldn't say anything so simple. unexpectedly, the teacher explained it to me with a smile. i finally let go of my heart. after the teacher said a while, he saw that i still knew half and half, and then he said word by word that i understood. since then, when i met a place i didn't understand, i went to ask the teacher. sometimes when the teacher was still in class, he asked me questions again, and i stood up to tell you. after class, the students asked me why i know so much, and i told them, "if you are good at asking, you have half the knowledge." that's the truth.


after that event, i learned more about the meaning of the famous saying, "ask well, and you have half the knowledge".



——modesty makes everything possible, complacency makes ten things nine empty


famous sayings are used to inspire or remind people. if you ask me which one i choose as my motto, i will choose "modesty makes everything possible, complacency makes everything possible.". yes, that's a good sentence. after the fourth grade event, i felt more deeply. why?


that's the fourth grade final. thanks to my full play, i got a good score in that exam, fortunately, i was the second in my grade. i'm very excited, and so are my parents. but as a "professional teacher" mother, she still said a lot of "let me not be proud", "be modest" and so on. but i have already been overwhelmed by the victory. if my mother said, i would go in the left ear and out the right ear. completely ignored. on the way to and from school, i always hear many students whisper: "ah, he is the second grade!" "i heard that the first place is only 0 more than him. five points! " after listening to these words, i began to be more arrogant. snacks and errands in class, either talking to classmates or passing notes everywhere. what's more, sometimes i still use chinese and math books to block and read comic books below. my deskmate reminds me all the time, and i don't care. once, my deskmate saw that my old fault had been made again, and began to advise me: "you, you are looking, i will tell the teacher." "go ahead, go ahead. i'm the second in grade. who's afraid of me?" i said arrogantly, because i knew that he was timid and didn't dare to tell the teacher. sure enough, he didn't do that.


time flies, in a blink of an eye half semester passed in such a muddle headed way, and my deskmate no longer paid attention to me. the mid-term exam is due again. because i got high scores in the previous tests, which made me more arrogant. i didn't pay attention to the test at all. i thought it must be a high score. as a result, i only got 81 scores in mathematics, even 30 students in the class didn't rank on the list. i only got 90 scores, ranking more than 20. the teacher asked me to talk in the office. as soon as he entered the office, the teacher said, "zhang chen, what's wrong with you? you didn't do that before. is there anything wrong with you? can you tell the teacher? listen to the teacher's words, my heart burst of shame: the teacher or trust me. so, i put half of the semester's learning situation out. the teacher listened and said meaningfully: "the teacher sent you a famous saying. i hope you remember it and don't violate it. you should have heard of this saying: "modesty makes everything possible, complacency makes everything possible." do you know what it means? " i nodded and said, "as long as you are modest, everything will succeed; if you are proud, nothing will succeed." the teacher nodded with satisfaction.


"modesty makes everything possible, and complacency makes everything possible." has become my motto ever since. i think: this sentence will be with me all my life, and i will benefit a lot from it.










——the understanding of "reading requires three arrivals of mind, eye and mouth"


zhu xi, a great confucianist in the southern song dynasty, once said, "there are three ways to read, namely, from the heart, from the eyes, and from the mouth." at first, i couldn't make a thorough understanding of this sentence, and i always had a half understanding of it. it was specious, and i had a question: why should i say "heart" first, then "eye", and finally "mouth"? what can we learn from this sentence?


i'm more interested in this problem. so i made up my mind to understand the real meaning of this sentence.


look up information and ask students after a series of "procedures", i have a preliminary understanding of this sentence: as long as the heart arrives, the eyes will focus, the eyes will focus, can think, can speak and express their opinions. but in my heart, i still feel that i have more than enough.


since the third grade of primary school, dad has brought back student newspapers and magazines from bookstores and offices for me to read and study. i always bolt, three times, five times, two times to "solve" a book. i used my new year's money to buy some books in the bookstore, and they were all finished soon. but what i know, what good words, what good sentences, little knowledge, little harvest. i am very puzzled: after reading so many books and newspapers, how can i still not understand much? isn't this sentence understood deeply?


until one day, i noticed zhu xi's famous saying again in a book. i began to reflect, but the reflection is very shallow, only know to read seriously. but in the end, i still don't understand. so i asked dad. dad said a lot, i understand: first of all, do what you need to do. when you read the article, you should focus on it, not be duplicative; second, read the article, combine your mind with your eyes, think repeatedly, and try to answer by yourself; third, speak enthusiastically in class, and make comparison and analysis combining the answers of teachers and students. finally conscientiously summarize and improve, so that the article read through. this is the real meaning of "three arrivals" in reading.


since then, i have kept this sentence in mind, always comparing myself, reminding myself and urging myself. under the spur and guidance of this sentence, my reading is easy and my writing is easy. my chinese achievement is also like "sesame blossom - thrifty".



gorky, the great writer of the former soviet union, once said, "books are the ladder of human progress." it means that reading is very important. i like this famous saying because it makes me fall in love with reading.


i remember in my third grade summer vacation, my father bought me a lot of books from the bookstore, including snow white, green's fairy tales, one thousand and one nights, 365 night stories let me watch it during the summer vacation. i didn't expect that when i read a 365 night story at will, i was fascinated by the moving stories in the book. among them, an eagle caught a sheep and was seen by a crow. the crow wanted to catch a sheep like an eagle. because of its insufficient ability, it was caught by the shepherd. i thought the crow was funny and lovely, which impressed me deeply.


later, at the end of the 2006 college entrance examination, my father asked me, "do you know what is the composition of this year's college entrance examination?" i replied, "i don't know." my father told me, "it's the story of crows and eagles. i'll write my own composition according to the story." then my father told me the story. before my father finished, i said, "at last the shepherd caught the crow.". my father was surprised and asked me, "how do you know?" i said, "i've seen it for a long time. crows can't help themselves.". i went to pick up the book and show it to dad. my father patted me on the shoulder and praised me, saying that i love reading, and i will become a talent in the future. since then, i love reading more. reading a lot, my language expression ability and composition level have been significantly improved, which makes me taste the sweetness of reading and experience the fun of reading.


books can tell many interesting stories and show us rich and colorful life; books can open up a brilliant and colorful knowledge treasury and lead us into a brilliant science palace. books are the mineral resources of wisdom. they give us strong nutrition and help us understand more about life. i love reading. it's my forever teacher and my happiest angel


let's read more. reading will make you make great progress.


