
由网友(-往海的地方北未眠)分享简介:我有一个 PHP 脚本处理的回调从付款处理器。如果查询字符串'结果'包含双破折号后面一个,我们得到一个403,如:/index.php?result=A--B-(返回403)/index.php?result=A-B-(正常)/index.php?result=A-B--(正常)/index.php?result...

我有一个 PHP 脚本处理的回调从付款处理器。



有关这个网站,也有的.htaccess 没有重写规则或 Apache的配置


 核心prefork http_core mod_so mod_auth_basic
mod_authn_anon mod_authn_dbm mod_authn_default
mod_authz_host mod_authz_user mod_authz_owner
mod_authz_dbm mod_authz_default util_ldap
mod_authnz_ldap模块mod_include负责mod_log_config mod_logio
mod_env mod_ext_filter mod_mime_magic模块mod_expires
mod_deflate模块mod_headers中mod_usertrack mod_setenvif
mod_mime mod_dav的mod_status模块mod_autoindex mod_info
mod_dav_fs mod_vhost_alias mod_negotiation模块
mod_dir mod_actions mod_speling mod_userdir mod_alias中
mod_rewrite的mod_cache的mod_suexec mod_disk_cache
mod_file_cache提供mod_mem_cache mod_cgi一样mod_version
mod_security2 mod_unique_id mod_php5了mod_ssl
手机顶部的HD字符,代表什么意思 收费吗 很多人都理解错了



- 通常是在SQL一行注释的开始标志。有时,程序员使用用户输入(如$ _GET []数组)直接建立一个SQL查询,从而导致漏洞被称为SQL注入。

那么的mod_security会检查这样的字符串中的cookies,查询字符串和张贴的形式。一旦非法串发现,它会显示一个403 Forbidden错误。

如果您确实需要 - 在你的查询字符串,你确信你已经处理查询字符串正确(或你实际上并没有执行SQL查询),你可以从mod_security的删除该规则。



MOD_SRCURITY_INSTALLATION_PATH / base_rules / modsecurity_crs_41_sql_injection_attacks.conf




# -  = [检测SQL注释序列] =  - 

# -  = [PHPIDS  - 转换SQLI过滤器] =  - 

并对其进行修改 -

这包含字符串搜索规则。 因为它们都写在正则表达式,你应该先了解它。

I have a PHP script which handles callbacks from a payment processor.

If the querystring 'result' contains double dashes followed by a single, we are getting a 403, e.g.

/index.php?result=A--B-  (returns 403)
/index.php?result=A-B-   (is OK)
/index.php?result=A-B--  (is OK)
/index.php?result=A--B   (is OK)
/index.php?result=A---B  (returns 403)
/index.php?result=A-B-C- (is OK)

For this site, there are no rewrite rules in .htaccess or apache config.

Loaded modules are as follows:

core prefork http_core mod_so mod_auth_basic 
mod_auth_digest mod_authn_file mod_authn_alias 
mod_authn_anon mod_authn_dbm mod_authn_default 
mod_authz_host mod_authz_user mod_authz_owner 
mod_authz_dbm mod_authz_default util_ldap 
mod_authnz_ldap mod_include mod_log_config mod_logio 
mod_env mod_ext_filter mod_mime_magic mod_expires 
mod_deflate mod_headers mod_usertrack mod_setenvif 
mod_mime mod_dav mod_status mod_autoindex mod_info 
mod_dav_fs mod_vhost_alias mod_negotiation 
mod_dir mod_actions mod_speling mod_userdir mod_alias 
mod_rewrite mod_cache mod_suexec mod_disk_cache 
mod_file_cache mod_mem_cache mod_cgi mod_version 
mod_security2 mod_unique_id mod_php5 mod_ssl


Of course it has been blocked by mod_security.

"--" is usually the beginning flag of a line comment in SQL. Sometimes programmers use user input (like $_GET[] array) directly to build a SQL query, which leads to a vulnerability called SQL Injection.

So mod_security will check such string in cookies, querystring and posted form. Once illegal string found, it will display a 403 Forbidden error.

If you do need "--" in your querystring and you are sure that you have handle querystring properly (or you don't actually execute SQL queries) you can remove this rule from mod_security.

You may find the rule in


MOD_SRCURITY_INSTALLATION_PATH depends on your server environment.

You may find such rules near

# -=[ Detect SQL Comment Sequences ]=-


# -=[ PHPIDS - Converted SQLI Filters ]=-
# https://dev.itratos.de/projects/php-ids/repository/raw/trunk/lib/IDS/default_filter.xml

Search rules that contain string -- and modify them. Since they are all written in RegExp you should learn it first.