查找序列中的IEnumerable< T>使用LINQ序列、IEnumerable、LT、GT

由网友(尛糖罐Ω)分享简介:什么是最有效的方式来寻找在序列中的的IEnumerable< T> 使用LINQ What is the most efficient way to find a sequence within a IEnumerable using LINQ我希望能够创建一个扩展方法,它允许下面的调用:I w...

什么是最有效的方式来寻找在序列中的的IEnumerable< T> 使用LINQ

What is the most efficient way to find a sequence within a IEnumerable<T> using LINQ


I want to be able to create an extension method which allows the following call:

int startIndex = largeSequence.FindSequence(subSequence)


The match must be adjacent and in order.


下面是一个算法,发现一个子序列中的一个实现。我所谓的方法 IndexOfSequence ,因为它使意图更加明确,类似于现有的的IndexOf 方法:

Here's an implementation of an algorithm that finds a subsequence in a sequence. I called the method IndexOfSequence, because it makes the intent more explicit and is similar to the existing IndexOf method:

public static class ExtensionMethods
    public static int IndexOfSequence<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, IEnumerable<T> sequence)
        return source.IndexOfSequence(sequence, EqualityComparer<T>.Default);

    public static int IndexOfSequence<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, IEnumerable<T> sequence, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
        var seq = sequence.ToArray();

        int p = 0; // current position in source sequence
        int i = 0; // current position in searched sequence
        var prospects = new List<int>(); // list of prospective matches
        foreach (var item in source)
            // Remove bad prospective matches
            prospects.RemoveAll(k => !comparer.Equals(item, seq[p - k]));

            // Is it the start of a prospective match ?
            if (comparer.Equals(item, seq[0]))

            // Does current character continues partial match ?
            if (comparer.Equals(item, seq[i]))
                // Do we have a complete match ?
                if (i == seq.Length)
                    // Bingo !
                    return p - seq.Length + 1;
            else // Mismatch
                // Do we have prospective matches to fall back to ?
                if (prospects.Count > 0)
                    // Yes, use the first one
                    int k = prospects[0];
                    i = p - k + 1;
                    // No, start from beginning of searched sequence
                    i = 0;
        // No match
        return -1;


I didn't fully test it, so it might still contain bugs. I just did a few tests on well-known corner cases to make sure I wasn't falling into obvious traps. Seems to work fine so far...


I think the complexity is close to O(n), but I'm not an expert of Big O notation so I could be wrong... at least it only enumerates the source sequence once, whithout ever going back, so it should be reasonably efficient.


