WIF 4.5 BootstrapContext安全令牌空令牌、安全、WIF、BootstrapContext

由网友(痞子时代 i)分享简介:我公司采用新的4.5 WIF的东西来验证网站的用户,并确保我的MVC网站和WCF服务之间的通信。I am using the new 4.5 WIF stuff to authenticate users of the website and to secure the communication between m...

我公司采用新的4.5 WIF的东西来验证网站的用户,并确保我的MVC网站和WCF服务之间的通信。

I am using the new 4.5 WIF stuff to authenticate users of the website and to secure the communication between my MVC website and WCF services.


I have the website configured to save the bootstrap context so that I can re-use the same security token for all requests to the service layer.


Under normal conditions all is working fine with each website request authenticated and the SecurityToken made available via the context to secure the WCF calls.


If however the websites app domain is reset (e.g. building the app while developing) any requests to the website will still be authenticated but the SecurityToken is no longer available in the context to pass on to the WCF calls.


Debugging the BootstrapContext it has 4 useful properties:



Pre-app domain reset SecurityToken and SecurityTokenHandler have values, and post reset Token has a value.

看起来这是原始SAML XML这样我就可以presumably从它补充水分全SecutiryToken但这似乎奇怪的行为,我无法找到任何文件复位后,目测令牌的值。

Eyeballing the value for Token after the reset it looks like this is the raw SAML XML so I can presumably rehydrate a full SecutiryToken from it but this seems strange behavior that I cannot find any documentation about.


Any ideas what I could do to ensure the SecurityToken is always available to save me messing around with the token XML?


使用dotPeek来看看是怎么回事,在框架的源$ C ​​$ C我看得出来,casues这种行为的执行​​路径,但我不能确定任何理由为什么它需要的是这样的,怎么可能avioded。

Using dotPeek to look at what is going on in the framework source code I could see the execution path that casues this behaviour but I couldn't determine any reason why it needed to be this way and how it could be avioded.


In the end I gave up trying to work it out and now use the following piece of code to ensure I have a token

if (context.SecurityToken != null)
    token = context.SecurityToken;
else if (context.Token.IsNotEmpty())
    var handlers = FederatedAuthentication.FederationConfiguration.IdentityConfiguration.SecurityTokenHandlers;
    token = handlers.ReadToken(new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(context.Token)));


What I am now concerned about is I have missed some reasoning behind this behaiour and my fix above is going to blow up at some point.


在同样的问题,我已经迷迷糊糊。 我看到令牌有令牌和SecurityToken是空的XML重新presentation。 我还注意到,这是很容易被杀死的w3wp.exe重现。

I have stumbled upon the same issue. I see the Token to have the xml representation of the token and the SecurityToken being null. I also noticed that this is really easy to reproduce by killing w3wp.exe.


