ADO.NET实体框架和NHibernate - 当使用了另一种实体、框架、使用了、ADO

由网友(——凤凰情殇)分享简介:我的工作在Microsoft .NET商店,它是好的使用NHibernate的或ADO.NET EF。我们应该使用什么时候你应该选择一个比其他什么指导?I am working in a Microsoft .NET shop where it is okay to use NHibernate or ADO.NET...

我的工作在Microsoft .NET商店,它是好的使用NHibernate的或ADO.NET EF。我们应该使用什么时候你应该选择一个比其他什么指导?

I am working in a Microsoft .NET shop where it is okay to use NHibernate or ADO.NET EF. What guidance should we be using about when you should choose one over the other?

例如,它似乎写一个Silverlight应用程序的EF - 到 - > ADO.NET数据服务 - 到 - >的Silverlight将提供一个提高生产力,并为您提供一个REST服务API,因为没有额外的努力时等。

For example, it seems like when writing a Silverlight app the EF -to-> ADO.NET Data Services -to-> Silverlight would offer a productivity boost, and provide you with a REST service API for no extra effort.


What other things should help guide you on an app by app basis?

更新(基于评论): 这一个是稍微有用 别人走下车到怪异的切线(如亚音速)和不直接比较两个。我想我专门寻找谁通过项目的其中之一,他们将使用一个项目同时使用,并且决定的人。

UPDATE (based on comment): This one is slightly useful the others go off into weird tangents (like SubSonic) and don't directly compare the two. I guess I'm specifically looking for people who use both, and decide on a project by project which one they will use.


在简单地说,英孚已经没有持续性无知的支持开箱即用。当我第一次尝试建设有EF的解决方案,去年,我有点恼火,你不能有波苏斯在您的应用程序。我想,所以我最终切换到NHibernate的一个更高的学历,我的模型脱钩。此后,有人是写的EF POCO适配器。 HTTP://$c$ - 但是它真的只是一个codegenerator产生一个适配器层映射你的对象。

In a nutshell, EF has no Persistence Ignorance support out of the box. When i first tried building a solution with EF last year, i was a bit annoyed that you can't have POCOs in your application. I wanted a higher degree of decoupling with my model so i ended up switching to NHibernate. Since then, someone's written an EF POCO adapter. - however its really just a codegenerator that generates an adapter layer to map your objects.


For some reason, my app ran a bit faster under NHibernate as well. Take that with a grain of salt because i was new to configuring either solution.


