
由网友(一声兄弟,一生兄弟.)分享简介:下面是一个奇怪的情况,我今天看到:Here is a strange situation I have seen today:我有一个通用的清单,我想添加项目到我的清单与它的索引是这样的:I have a generic list and I want add items to my list with it's...


Here is a strange situation I have seen today:


I have a generic list and I want add items to my list with it's indexer like this:

List<string> myList = new List<string>(10);
myList[0] = "bla bla bla...";

当我尝试这一点,我越来越 ArgumentOutOfRangeException

When I try this, I'm getting ArgumentOutOfRangeException

然后我看了看名单,其中,T&GT; 索引集的方法,在这里它是:

Then I looked at List<T> indexer set method, and here it is:

[TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries"),    __DynamicallyInvokable] 
    if ((uint) index >= (uint) this._size)  
      ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException();  //here is exception
    this._items[index] = value;


public void Add(T item)
  if (this._size == this._items.Length)
    this.EnsureCapacity(this._size + 1);
  this._items[this._size++] = item;


Now, as I see both methods are using the same way:

// Add() Method
this._items[this._size++] = item; 
// Setter method
this._items[index] = value;

_items 是一个类型的数组 T

The _items is an array of type T :

private T[] _items;

和在构造 _items 这样的初始化:

And in the constructor _items initialized like this:

this._items = new T[capacity]

现在,毕竟这些我很好奇,为什么我不能添加项目到我的列表索引 虽然我明确指定列表的能力?

Now, after all of these I'm curious about why I can't add items into my list with an index ,although I specify list capacity explicitly?



The reason is that you don't add to the list with the indexer, you replace existing items.


Since you have not yet added any items to the list, it is empty, and any attempt at using the indexer to "add" items to it will throw that exception.


new List<string>(11);


does not create a list with 11 elements, it creates a list with capacity for 11 elements initially. This is an optimization. If you add more elements, the list will have to be resized internally, and you can pass in the expected or known capacity to avoid too many of those resizes.

下面是一个 LINQPad 计划演示:

void Main()
    var l = new List<string>(10);
    l.Dump(); // empty list

    l.Dump(); // one item

    l[0] = "Other item";
    l.Dump(); // still one item

    l.Capacity.Dump(); // should be 10
    l.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(1, 20).Select(idx => idx.ToString()));
    l.Capacity.Dump(); // should be 21 or more



在内部,在名单,其中,T&GT; ,数组实际上是用来抱的元素。此外,计数属性/值保持跟踪如何将这些数组元素的许多实际上已经使用。

Internally, inside a List<T>, an array is actually used to hold the elements. Additionally, a Count property/value is kept to keep track of how many of those array elements have actually been used.


When you construct an empty list, not passing in a capacity, a default one is used, and this is the initial size of that array.


As you keep adding new elements to the list, slowly you will fill up that array, towards the end. Once you have filled the entire array, and add another element to it, a new, bigger, array will have to be constructed. All the elements in the old array are then copied over to this new, bigger, array, and from now on, that array is used instead.

这就是为什么内部code调用 EnsureCapacity 方法。此方法是一个做大小调整操作中,如果有必要的。

That is why the internal code calls that EnsureCapacity method. This method is the one doing the resize operation, if necessary.


Every time the array has to be resized, a new array is constructed and all the elements copied over. As the array grows, this operation grows in cost. It's not all that much, but it still isn't free.


That is why, if you know that you will need to store, say, 1000 elements in the list, it is a good idea to pass in a capacity value to begin with. That way, the initial size of that array might be large enough to never need to be resized/replaced. At the same time, it's not a good idea to just pass in a very large value for capacity, as this might end up using a lot of memory unnecessary.

也知道,一切都在这一部分的回答是未公开的(据我所知)的行为,并应任何细节或具体的行为,你可能会从中学到不应该影响到c您写的$ C $,比其他知识传递一个良好的容量值。

Also know that everything in this section of the answer is undocumented (as far as I know) behavior, and should any details or specific behavior you might learn from it should never influence the code you write, other than the knowledge about passing in a good capacity value.


