
由网友(神经质 Nervous▼)分享简介:即时通讯目前正在使用其他.NET库C#项目。该库做(除其他事项外)解析序列成大树。所有项目都是某种类型继承自抽象类序的。我需要稍微改变行为和子类序自己(可以称之为 MySequence )。创建树后,我可以用我自己的类的对象替换一些树节点。Im currently working on a c# project th...

即时通讯目前正在使用其他.NET库C#项目。该库做(除其他事项外)解析序列成大树。所有项目都是某种类型继承自抽象类的。我需要稍微改变行为和子类自己(可以称之为 MySequence )。创建树后,我可以用我自己的类的对象替换一些树节点。

Im currently working on a c# project that uses another .net library. This library does (amongst other things) parse a sequence into a tree. All items are of some type that inherits from the abstract class Sequence. I needed to alter the behaviour slightly and subclassed Sequence myself (lets call it MySequence). After the tree was created, I could replace some tree nodes with objects of my own class.


Now, a new version of the library was published, and a Copy function with the following signature was introduced:

internal abstract Sequence Copy();


I tried to adopt my code to the new version and override it, but whatever I am doing, I get the two errors:

MySequence 未实现继承的抽象成员 Sequence.Copy() MySequence.Copy():发现重写没有合适的方法

MySequence does not implement inherited abstract member 'Sequence.Copy()' MySequence.Copy()': no suitable method found to override

这是有道理的,因为它是抽象的( - >它必须被覆盖)和内部( - >它不能被覆盖,由于隐藏的可见性从组件外)

This makes sense, since it is abstract (--> it must be overwritten) and internal (--> it can not be overwritten, due to hidden visibility from outside the assembly)


So, the problem is, I understand why this is happening, but dont know what to do against it. It is crucial for my project to subclass Sequence.

而我也是不明白的是,为什么内部抽象允许modfier摆在首位,因为它基本上允许全班所有子类从集之外! ?

And what I also dont understand is, why the internal abstract modfier is allowed in the first place as it basically permits any subclassing of the whole class from outside the assembly!?


Is there any way to solve this? Via reflection or something?




Basically, you are out of luck without altering the library. There may be a subclass of Sequence that does implement Copy, which you can derive from in the new version. But it is likely that the Copy method is need in other parts of the library to create clones.


