


So I've been thinking of going for Microsoft certification and I have to make a choice (for now) between Windows Forms and WPF for developing Windows applications. I have had good exposure to Windows Forms but never tried WPF before. Furthermore, most of the job postings where I live seem to be WinForms-oriented. That might change in the next few years, so I was wondering if I should get started on learning WPF or stick to the tried and true Forms.



虽然目前大多数dev.positions将专注于的WinForms(或ASP.NET对于这个问题),WPF开始变得接受为严重的平台。由于严重的我的意思是 人们已经开始考虑使用它LOB-应用。随着棱镜的发布很明显,微软已经开始在其他方面不仅仅是推广WPF 养眼的特点。这意味着WPF将是很快psented作为一个WinForms替代pretty的$ P $。 学习WPF将意味着你还将学习Silverlight的在同一时间。所以,你有两个现代化的技术,在您的处置。 [新增] -WPF有更多的提供不仅仅是养眼,你可以从它很多不作为一个创造性的天才中受益。该API是直观的(和乐趣),并能提供大量的提高生产率。

Although most current dev.positions will focus on WinForms (or ASP.NET for that matter), WPF is starting to get accepted as a 'serious' platform. With serious I mean that people are starting to think about using it for LOB-applications. With the release of Prism it's clear that Microsoft is starting to promote WPF in other ways than just the 'eye-candy' features. This means WPF is going to be presented as a WinForms alternative pretty soon. Learning WPF will mean you'll also learn Silverlight at the same time. So you have two modern technologies at your disposal. [Added] -WPF has more to offer than just the eye-candy and you can benefit from it a lot without being a creative genius. The API is intuitive (and fun) and can offer a lot of improved productivity.


In short, I'd say if you want to be 'future-proof' learn WPF.


