SQL'时间'类型的实体框架$ C C首先$实体、框架、类型、时间

由网友(总有逗比挑衅本尊)分享简介:我想与实体框架$ C C首先$表中创建一个时间(7)一栏。这是我的实体:I'm trying to create a 'time(7)' column in a table with Entity Framework Code First. This is my Entity:public class ShiftD...

我想与实体框架$ C C首先$表中创建一个时间(7)一栏。这是我的实体:

I'm trying to create a 'time(7)' column in a table with Entity Framework Code First. This is my Entity:

public class ShiftDetail
    public long Id { get; set; }

    public int DayOfWeek { get; set; }

    public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }

    [Column(TypeName = "time")]
    public DateTime EndTime { get; set; }

    public long ShiftId { get; set; }
    public virtual Shift Shift { get; set; }


As you can see I'm trying to set the database type for the columns StartTime and EndTime to "time" but I get this error:

(112,12):错误2019:​​指定的成员映射无效。类型类型Edm.DateTime [可空=假,默认值=,precision ='成员'开始时间'ShiftDetail'是不符合SqlServer.time [可空=假,默认值=,$ P $兼容pcision = 7]开始时间中输入codeFirstDatabaseSchema.ShiftDetail'。会员

(112,12) : error 2019: Member Mapping specified is not valid. The type 'Edm.DateTime[Nullable=False,DefaultValue=,Precision=]' of member 'StartTime' in type 'ShiftDetail' is not compatible with 'SqlServer.time[Nullable=False,DefaultValue=,Precision=7]' of member 'StartTime' in type 'CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.ShiftDetail'.


I've tried also with TypeName="time(7)" but I get this other error:


(104,6) : error 0040: The Type time(7) is not qualified with a namespace or alias. Only primitive types can be used without qualification.

如何创建与code第一时间列? (preferably不流畅API)

How can I create a time column with code first? (preferably without fluent API)



如果你想使用时间输入数据库中,你将不得不使用时间跨度 24小时循环在你的应用程序。 DATATIME 不重的时候presentation。

If you want to use Time type in database you will have to use TimeSpan with 24 hour cycle in your application. DataTime is not representation of time.


