
由网友(男生网名霸气)分享简介:什么是使用 ConvertBack的方法的IValueConverter 接口。什么时候会打电话? 或者是什么为了调用 的转换和 ConvertBack 方法。我问的问题在这里,因为:我已绑定的一个属性codebehind 以TEXTBOX的Text属性,并使用转换该属性,I have ask question h...

什么是使用 ConvertBack的方法的IValueConverter 接口。


或者是什么为了调用 的转换 ConvertBack 方法。

我问的问题在这里,因为:我已绑定的一个属性codebehind 以TEXTBOX的Text属性,并使用转换该属性,

I have ask question here because: I have bound one property of codebehind to TEXTBOX’s TEXT Property and using convertor for that property,

那么首先转换方法调用,当我修改文本 TEXTBOX 没有发生,但一旦我关闭窗体 ConvertBack 方法调用。

then first Convert Method invoke and when I change TEXT in TEXTBOX nothing happen but as soon as I close the form ConvertBack method invoke.

这是什么,没有任何规则定义当火 ConvertBack 的方法?

what is this, there is not any rules that define when to fire ConvertBack method?


NOTE: you may be find that this is possible duplicate of other question on this site...but not any question i have found use full in suggestion list when i writing my question.


海事组织, ConvertBack 方法被用于将你的视觉重新$ P $的数据psentation到具体的数据类型。

IMO, the ConvertBack method is used to convert your visual representation of the data to the specific DataType.

例如:你用转换器转换一个布尔值字符串TrueBoolean。该文本将显示在您的文本框。当您更改文本框的值时, ConvertBack 方法将被尽快再结合火灾(默认OnFocusLost)调用。现在你的 ConvertBack 方法将尝试新的值转换成你希望它是数据类型。所以,你必须实现逻辑转换FalseBoolean

For example: you use a Converter to convert a boolean true to the string "TrueBoolean". This text will be displayed in your TextBox. When you change the value of the TextBox, the ConvertBack method will be called as soon as the binding fires again (default OnFocusLost). Now your ConvertBack method will try to convert the new value to the datatype you want it to be. So you will have to implement logic to convert "FalseBoolean" to false.

public class Converter : IValueConverter
    object IValueConverter.Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return (bool) value ? "TrueBoolean" : "FalseBoolean";

    object IValueConverter.ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var s = (string) value;
        if (s.Equals("TrueBoolean",StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
            return true;
        if (s.Equals("FalseBoolean", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
            return false;
        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot convert, unknown value {0}", value));


This technique is used a lot in DataGrids if I'm not mistaken.


Hope this is a bit clear...

更新 关于你的问题在​​注释: 要覆盖默认 OnFocusLost 绑定行为,你必须改变你的绑定是这样的:

UPDATE About you question in the comment: To overwrite the default OnFocusLost binding behavior you have to change your binding like this:

<TextBox Text="{Binding MyText, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>
<!--syntax might differ, can't access VS at the moment.-->

