
由网友(待我成佛,灭了哈佛)分享简介:我已经采取了支持VB.Net WinForms应用程序中。我其实是一个C#开发人员,我更熟悉的Visual Studio项目C#项目的设置。现在,我想确定为什么我的应用程序崩溃在一个特定的XP安装,我读到这里的建议http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/winform...

我已经采取了支持VB.Net WinForms应用程序中。我其实是一个C#开发人员,我更熟悉的Visual Studio项目C#项目的设置。现在,我想确定为什么我的应用程序崩溃在一个特定的XP安装,我读到这里的建议


要在主函数中添加一个try catch块。此建议在大约从底部第五交。 (我将在下文中引用它),但是,如果我看在VB.Net Visual Studio项目中,我没有找到一个main()方法。我所发现的是一个Application.myapp文件中叫我的项目灰色文件夹。这个文件有一个相关的设计文件,但如果我点击它,我看到下面的XML:

 < XML版本=1.0编码=UTF-8&GT?;
< MyApplicationData的xmlns:XSI =htt​​p://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance的xmlns:XSD =htt​​p://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema>
  < MySubMain>真< / MySubMain>
  <的MainForm> MDIMain< /的MainForm>
  < SingleInstance>假< / SingleInstance>
  &其中; ShutdownMode> 0℃/ ShutdownMode>
  < EnableVisualStyles>真< / EnableVisualStyles>
  &其中; AuthenticationMode> 0℃/ AuthenticationMode>
  < SaveMySettingsOnExit>真< / SaveMySettingsOnExit>
< / MyApplicationData>


        的MessageBox.show(ex.Message +ññ N+ ex.StackTrace);
VB.net 我想实现几个效果




I have taken over support of a VB.Net WinForms application. I am actually a c# developer and am more familiar with the setup of visual studio projects in c# projects. Now I am trying to determine why my application is crashing on a specific XP installation, and I read the suggestion here


to add a try catch block in the main function. This is suggested in about the 5th post from the bottom. (I will quote it below) However, if I look in the VB.Net visual studio project, I do not find a Main() procedure. What I do find is a grey folder called "My project" with a "Application.myapp" file inside it. This file has an associated designer file, but if I click on it I see the following xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<MyApplicationData xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

So can anyone enlighten me to where the actual main procedure call is for this VB.Net project so that I can try catch the exception that is occurring. If, as I suspect, there isn't actually a Main procedure in my VB.Net project, can someone maybe let me know how I can go about doing the following in my project:

static void Main()
        Application.Run(new Form1());
    catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException ex)
        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "    nnn" + ex.StackTrace);


The more VB way to do this is to open the Application properties and click on the ViewApplicationEvents button. This will open the Application.xaml.vb file where you can add custom event handlers for the application. Select Application Events from the left drop-down and you can easily access a bunch of events including DispatcherUnhandledException, Activated, Navigating, Startup, Exit, etc. You can also add the Main method here by selecting Applciation from the left drop-down and selecting Main from the right drop down.

In the case of WindowsForms applications, the process is similar. However when you select the Applciation Events button, the file that is shown is the ApplicationEvents.vb file. In here, to add a global error handler, select the left drop-down and select MyApplication Events. Then in the right drop-down, add the UnhandledException handler. You can also create your Main method here as well.


