
由网友(粉色天竺)分享简介:我有我的Andr​​oid设备连接到我的笔记本电脑,当我尝试运行:I have my Android device connected to my laptop and When I try to run:adb shell pm set-install-location 2我收到此错误:I am getting...


I have my Android device connected to my laptop and When I try to run:

adb shell pm set-install-location 2


I am getting this error:

"Package android does not belong to 2000"


What does it means?


How can I fix it?


从根本上说:不能,至少不是没有生根。 主要原因安卓不允许您将应用程序安装到你的外置SD卡有:

"Basically speaking: You can't. At least not without rooting. The main reasons Android does not allow you to install an application to your external SD card are:

安全性:这是主要的原因的限制。像NTFS或FAT(任何版本的话)的基本文件系统不容许类Unix许可管理。 这意味着:任何应用程序都可以写上存储的任何文件。 恶意应用程序的思想,他们将能够用假/感染换上合适的应用程序,砌体您的手机并使其无法使用。

Security: It's the main reason for that restriction. Basic file systems like NTFS or FAT (any version of it) do not allow for Unix-like permission management. This means: any application would be able to write to any file on that storage. Thinking of malicious apps, they would be able to replace proper apps with fake/infected ones, bricking your phone and rendering it unusable.


Volatile storage: Your external SD card is not safe to be inserted in your device all the time. You are able to eject it any time what makes your SD card not a very good candidate for a permanent storage. Consider apps running off of your SD card and you eject it. Those apps will just crash and all other apps saved on your SD card are gone as well. You can't use them at that time and the data of those app is also affected by reason #1."


