
由网友(分钟前)分享简介:我有一个片段 FR1 包含多个嵌套 片段; FRA , FRB , FRC 。这些嵌套 片段由pressing 按钮更改在 FR1 的布局。每个嵌套 片段的有内他们几个输入字段;其中包括像 EditTexts , NumberPickers 和纱厂。当我的用户经过和填充的嵌套 片段, FR1 (父段)有一个提交按钮...

我有一个片段 FR1 包含多个嵌套 片段; FRA FRB FRC 。这些嵌套 片段由pressing 按钮更改 FR1 的布局。每个嵌套 片段的有内他们几个输入字段;其中包括像 EditTexts NumberPickers 纱厂。当我的用户经过和填充的嵌套 片段 FR1 (父段)有一个提交按钮。

I have a Fragment FR1 that contains several Nested Fragments; FRa, FRb, FRc. These Nested Fragments are changed by pressing Buttons on FR1's layout. Each of the Nested Fragments have several input fields within them; which include things like EditTexts, NumberPickers, and Spinners. When my user goes through and fills in all the values for the Nested Fragments, FR1 (the parent fragment) has a submit button.

这是我的嵌套 片段我怎么能那么,找回我的价值观并使其 FR1

所有浏览的声明和编程每个嵌套 片段。 父片段 FR1 处理嵌套 片段。 All Views are declared and programmatically handled within each Nested Fragment. The parent Fragment, FR1 handles the transaction of the Nested Fragments.


I hope this question is clear enough and I am not sure if code is necessary to post but if someone feels otherwise I can do so.


下面是如何将我的嵌套 片段

tempRangeButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {

                    .add(R.id.settings_fragment_tertiary_nest, tempFrag)


    scheduleButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {

                    .add(R.id.settings_fragment_tertiary_nest, scheduleFrag)

    alertsButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {

                    .add(R.id.settings_fragment_tertiary_nest, alertsFrag)


    submitProfile.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {

在我的 constructNewProfile()方法,从我的嵌套 片段。

public Fragment tempFrag = fragment_profile_settings_temperature
public Fragment scheduleFrag= fragment_profile_settings_schedules
public Fragment alertsFrag = fragment_profile_settings_alerts


The above refers to the fields of the parent fragment; and how they are initially instantiated.



The best way is use an interface:


Declare an interface in the nest fragment

// Container Activity or Fragment must implement this interface
public interface OnPlayerSelectionSetListener
    public void onPlayerSelectionSet(List<Player> players_ist);


Attach the interface to parent fragment

public void onAttachFragment(Fragment fragment)
        mOnPlayerSelectionSetListener = (OnPlayerSelectionSetListener)fragment;

    catch (ClassCastException e)
          throw new ClassCastException(
              fragment.toString() + " must implement OnPlayerSelectionSetListener");

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
    Log.i(TAG, "onCreate");

    this.mContext = getActivity().getApplicationContext();

    // ...


Vue 学习笔记 九 路由嵌套 参数传递 官方两种方式

Call the listener on button click.

public void onClick(View v)
    switch (v.getId())
        case R.id.tv_submit:
            if (mOnPlayerSelectionSetListener != null)


Have your parent fragment implement the interface.

 public class Fragment_Parent extends Fragment implements Nested_Fragment.OnPlayerSelectionSetListener
      // ...
      public void onPlayerSelectionSet(final List<Player> players_list)
           FragmentManager fragmentManager = getChildFragmentManager();
           SomeOtherNestFrag someOtherNestFrag = (SomeOtherNestFrag)fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag([Tag of your fragment which you should use when you add]);

           if(someOtherNestFrag != null)
                // your some other frag need to provide some data back based on views.
                SomeData somedata = someOtherNestFrag.getSomeData();
                // it can be a string, or int, or some custom java object.

添加标签,当你做交易的片段,所以你可以看看它之后调用它的方法。 FragmentTransaction

Add Tag when you do fragment transaction so you can look it up afterward to call its method. FragmentTransaction

这是正确的方式来处理片段和巢片段之间的沟通,这是几乎相同的活动和片段。 http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fragments.html#EventCallbacks

This is the proper way to handle communication between fragment and nest fragment, it's almost the same for activity and fragment. http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fragments.html#EventCallbacks


There is actually another official way, it's using activity result, but this one is good enough and common.