
由网友(甜的很正经)分享简介:我用System.Windows.Media.RenderCapability.Tier 显示我的应用程序的诊断面板中的当前渲染模式。如果我强迫应用程序(3.5SP1)来改变渲染模式通过以下code I use System.Windows.Media.RenderCapability.Tier to show...

我用 System.Windows.Media.RenderCapability.Tier 显示我的应用程序的诊断面板中的当前渲染模式。 如果我强迫应用程序(3.5SP1)来改变渲染模式通过以下code

I use System.Windows.Media.RenderCapability.Tier to show the current render mode within a diagnostics panel of my app. If I force the app (3.5sp1) to change the render-mode through the following code

HwndSource hwndSource = PresentationSource.FromVisual(visual) as System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource;
HwndTarget hwndTarget = hwndSource.CompositionTarget;
hwndTarget.RenderMode = renderMode;


neither System.Windows.Media.RenderCapability.TierChanged fires, nor has the System.Windows.Media.RenderCapability.Tier property changed. However the changes are applied to the app. If I look with Perforator, the render mode has been changed to the desired mode.


Although I’ve found at many locations that System.Windows.Media.RenderCapability.Tier can be used to detect the current render state (also msdn, see this), it seems, System.Windows.Media.RenderCapability only gives information about the capabilities and not about the current mode. That makes also sense if I look at the name of the class.


Is there another source to know how an actual wpf-content is rendered or am I doing something wrong?


只是将 RenderCapability.Tier HwndTarget.RenderMode 在一起,你会得到你在找什么:

Just combine RenderCapability.Tier and HwndTarget.RenderMode together and you'll get what you're looking for:

RenderCapability.Tier告诉您当前的图形卡支持 HwndTarget.RenderMode告诉你WPF​​是否会真正使用GPU与否

RenderCapability.Tier变化和火灾TierChanged Direct3D的表面切换到新的视频卡(如窗口显示器或显示切换到一个新的显示器之间拖动)任何时候。

RenderCapability.Tier changes and fires TierChanged any time the Direct3D surface switches to a new video card (such as a window being dragged between monitors or switching the display to a new monitor).


HwndTarget.RenderMode is only changed by user code but has no notification mechanism for when it changes. If you only set it in one place you can simply notify from there, otherwise you might need to use a timer to check it periodically.

基本上,如果HwndTarget.RenderMode == RenderMode.Default和RenderCapability.Tier够高,你有硬件加速。

Basically if HwndTarget.RenderMode==RenderMode.Default and RenderCapability.Tier is high enough you have hardware acceleration.


