
由网友(隱姓埋名者)分享简介:我有一个多线程的应用程序,我()属性分配一个唯一的名称为每个线程通过的setName。现在,我想要的功能,直接访问该线程及其相应的名称。I have a multithreaded application and I assign a unique name to each thread through setNam...


I have a multithreaded application and I assign a unique name to each thread through setName() property. Now, I want functionality to get access to the threads directly with their corresponding name.


public Thread getThreadByName(String threadName) {
    Thread __tmp = null;

    Set<Thread> threadSet = Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet();
    Thread[] threadArray = threadSet.toArray(new Thread[threadSet.size()]);

    for (int i = 0; i < threadArray.length; i++) {
        if (threadArray[i].getName().equals(threadName))
            __tmp =  threadArray[i];

    return __tmp;


The above function checks all running threads and then returns the desired thread from the set of running threads. Maybe my desired thread is interrupted, then the above function won't work. Any ideas on how to incorporate that functionality?



You can find all active threads using ThreadGroup:

让你的当前线程的小组 在致电您的方式工作的线程组层次 ThreadGroup.getParent(),直到找到一组具有null父。 呼叫 ThreadGroup.enumerate()查找系统中的所有线程。 Get your current thread's group Work your way up the threadgroup hierarchy by calling ThreadGroup.getParent() until you find a group with a null parent. Call ThreadGroup.enumerate() to find all threads on the system.

这样做完全的价值脱离了我......你会怎么可能与一个名为线程呢?除非你继承时,你应该实施的Runnable (这是草率的编程开始)。

The value of doing this completely escapes me ... what will you possibly do with a named thread? Unless you're subclassing Thread when you should be implementing Runnable (which is sloppy programming to start with).
