


I get the "Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define xxx" error when I have an android project that uses a library project and they both generate a class with the same name in the apt_generated folder. The class is exactly the same name and contents in both projects but since there are multiple of it I get an error when trying to deploy. Is there a flag or anything that can be set which will always use the first class and ignore any others with the same name?



One options is to exclude the library project from the build in one of the projects.

库项目依赖存储在Eclipse / ADT的 Android的私人图书馆类路径容器。

Library project dependencies are stored in the Android Private Libraries classpath container in Eclipse/ADT.


In the latest ADT (and probably in older versions to), you can opt to not export this classpath container.


Imagine the scenario were you have a project depending on

在谷歌播放服务库。 Android的地图-utils的(谷歌地图扩展库项目,也依赖于谷歌播放服务)


In this case you will run into the following error at package/deploy time :

Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/android/gms/R$attr;
Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/android/gms/R$attr;

如果您配置了Android的地图-utils的项目不导出 Android的私人图书馆取消选中在的Java构建路径中的'秩序和EXPORT1查看所选容器中,地塞米松错误就会消失。

If you configure the android-maps-utils project to not export the Android Private Libraries by unchecking the highlighted container in the `Order and Export1 view of the Java Build path, the Dex error will go away.


