
由网友(向你的心口狙击)分享简介:我已经写了一个Android库项目,包括自定义MapFragments,基于谷歌地图Android版V2 API。在谷歌API的控制台,我已经注册库的包名称与我的调试/签名的证书。I have written an android library project that includes custom MapFra...

我已经写了一个Android库项目,包括自定义MapFragments,基于谷歌地图Android版V2 API。在谷歌API的控制台,我已经注册库的包名称与我的调试/签名的证书。

I have written an android library project that includes custom MapFragments, based on Google Maps for Android v2 API. In the Google APIs console, I have registered the library's package name with my debug/signed certificates.


I need to create various apps that use this library as common code base and I was wondering if there is a way to still use the MapFragments of the library, without having to add each app's package name in the Google APIs console. I need this because I want to automate app creation (with Jenkins) and I don't want any manual steps, like logging in to the APIs console and registering the package name.

到目前为止,我还没有设法找到一个方法来做到这一点。通配符不工作(如具有的 com.mycompany。的*为控制台包名),如果我没有明确地注册的每个应用程序的包名,地图不加载。

So far, I haven't managed to find a way to do this. Wildcards don't work (e.g. having com.mycompany.* as package name in the console), and if I don't explicitly register each app's package name, the map doesn't load.


Is it possible to somehow make the MapFragments look up the library's single api key/package, instead of the app's?



Here's how to accomplish what you're trying to do when creating a new API key:

单击创建新的Andr​​oid按键 请不要输入任何内容到包名称的列表 点击创建


Then you should see AndroidApps: Any app allowed, and be able to use that maps API key in all of your apps without any configuration on the APIs console.


Since you have probably already have entered the certificate fingerprints for each of your applications, just click Edit allowed Android apps, delete them all from the list, click update, and it should say any app is allowed to use that API key.


