1.5MB)" />


由网友(个性的)分享简介:我发现了一个用出毕加索内存异常从Android的画廊(使用startActivityForResult)装载大的图像(> 1.5MB)时。I'm getting an Out Of Memory exception using Picasso when loading "large" images (> 1.5MB)...

我发现了一个用出毕加索内存异常从Android的画廊(使用startActivityForResult)装载大的图像(> 1.5MB)时。

I'm getting an Out Of Memory exception using Picasso when loading "large" images (> 1.5MB) from Android Gallery (using startActivityForResult).


I'm using a custom Target object because I need to preprocess the Bitmap when it is ready and also I'm using a custom Transform object to scale the Bitmap.


The problem is that the method public Bitmap transform(Bitmap source) on my Transform object is never called because the Out Of Memory Exception, so I don't get the oportunity to resample the image.

但是,如果我用 .resize(了maxWidth,了maxHeight)的方法,然后将其加载图像确定。我supossed该Transform对象是用于这一目的也一样,但似乎变换方法调整大小后调用,而且,如果我不叫调整,那么它会在内存中结束。

But, if I use the .resize(maxWidth, maxHeight) method, then it loads the image OK. I supossed that the Transform object was for that purpose too, but it seems that the transform method is called after the resize, and, if I don't call resize, then it will end in an Out of Memory..


The problem is that with resize I need to specify both width and height, but I need to scale and keep the aspect ratio.


Consider that the images will be selected from user Gallery, so they can be bigger or smaller, portrait, squared or landscape, etc, so I need my own Transformation object to perform the logic that needs my application.



在我的Transform对象,我需要将图像缩放(保持纵横比)为1024 x 768最大。

In my Transform object I needed to scale the image (keeping aspect ratio) to 1024 x 768 max.

变换对象从来没有被执行,除非我称之为 .resize(宽,高)重新取样下来的图像。

Transform object was never called unless I call .resize(width, height) to resample down the image.

有关保持纵横比和使用调整我称之为 .centerInside()。这样图像进行调整重新取样,以适应宽,高)。

For keeping aspect ratio and using resize I call .centerInside(). This way image will be scaled resample to fit width, height).

这是我给.resize(宽,高)的值是 Math.ceil(的Math.sqrt(1024 * 768))。 这样,我敢肯定有一个形象的我的自定义不够高Transform对象,又可以避免内存溢出异常

The value that I give to .resize(width, height) is Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(1024 * 768)). This way I'm sure to have an image higher enough for my custom Transform object, and also avoid Out Of Memory exception



Following this example you will get a image that fits inside MAX_WIDTH and MAX_HEIGHT bounds (keeping aspect ratio)

private static final int MAX_WIDTH = 1024;
private static final int MAX_HEIGHT = 768;

int size = (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(MAX_WIDTH * MAX_HEIGHT));

// Loads given image
    .transform(new BitmapTransform(MAX_WIDTH, MAX_HEIGHT))
    .resize(size, size)


And this is my custom BitmapTransform class:

import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import com.squareup.picasso.Transformation;

 * Transformate the loaded image to avoid OutOfMemoryException
public class BitmapTransform implements Transformation {

    int maxWidth;
    int maxHeight;

    public BitmapTransform(int maxWidth, int maxHeight) {
        this.maxWidth = maxWidth;
        this.maxHeight = maxHeight;

    public Bitmap transform(Bitmap source) {
        int targetWidth, targetHeight;
        double aspectRatio;

        if (source.getWidth() > source.getHeight()) {
            targetWidth = maxWidth;
            aspectRatio = (double) source.getHeight() / (double) source.getWidth();
            targetHeight = (int) (targetWidth * aspectRatio);
        } else {
            targetHeight = maxHeight;
            aspectRatio = (double) source.getWidth() / (double) source.getHeight();
            targetWidth = (int) (targetHeight * aspectRatio);

        Bitmap result = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(source, targetWidth, targetHeight, false);
        if (result != source) {
        return result;

    public String key() {
        return maxWidth + "x" + maxHeight;


