
由网友(酷到被通缉)分享简介:我正在创建一个自定义视图,将有一个扩大和浓缩状态 - 在浓缩状态,它只会显示一个标签和一个图标,并在扩展状态下,它会显示在下面的留言。下面是它如何工作至今截图:在查看本身保留了一次测得的凝聚和扩大国家大小值,所以它是简单的两种状态之间设置动画,并在正常的做法使用视图(当例如,在一个的LinearLayout )一切都按...

我正在创建一个自定义视图,将有一个扩大和浓缩状态 - 在浓缩状态,它只会显示一个标签和一个图标,并在扩展状态下,它会显示在下面的留言。下面是它如何工作至今截图:

查看本身保留了一次测得的凝聚和扩大国家大小值,所以它是简单的两种状态之间设置动画,并在正常的做法使用视图(当例如,在一个的LinearLayout )一切都按计划进行。改变视图尺寸是通过调用 getLayoutParams()来实现高度= newHeight。 requestLayout();

然而,当在的ListView 使用它,认为被回收并保持其previous高度。因此,如果当它被隐藏的看法扩大,它会显示,当它被回收的下一个列​​表项的扩展。它似乎并没有收到其他的布局传递,即使我请求在 ListAdapter 的布局。我认为使用回收两个不同的视图类型(扩展和浓缩),但大小将取决于消息的大小而有所不同。有一个事件,我可以听视图时重新连接在的ListView 的呢?还是你对如何处理这又有何建议?


保护无效onLayout(布尔改变,诠释L,INT T,INT R,int b)在{
    如果(R  -  1大于0&安培;和b  - 吨大于0&安培;&安培; dimensionsDirty){
        INT widthSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(R  -  1,MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
        condensedHeight = getMeasuredHeight();

        expandedHeight = getMeasuredHeight();

        dimensionsDirty = FALSE;


修改:对于这两个调用的参数固定为 makeMeasureSpec 。奇怪的是,它的工作不正确的方式,我有,所以我几乎不知道我在做什么多余的。无论哪种方式,只是想指出来 - 该项目下下载不具备这些修正


在自定义的ViewGroup 延长的FrameLayout 承载单一的直接子(如滚动型) 在自定义 ListAdapter 处理跟踪每个项目的展开/折叠状态。 在自定义 OnItemClickListener 来处理请求折叠和展开状态之间进行动画处理。

我想万一有人分享这个code别人发现它是有用的。它应该是相当灵活的,但我毫不怀疑有错误,事情可能会有所改善。首先,我有问题编程方式滚动的ListView (似乎没有成为一个方式,实际上滚动的内容,而不是仅仅的看法),所以我用 smoothScrollToPosition(INT)每次更改视图尺寸。这有一个硬codeD 400ms的时间是没有必要的,所以在未来我可能会尝试使用的持续时间写我自己的版本0(即 scrollToPosition(INT) )。


您的列表项XML应该有你的 ResizeLayout 的层次结构的根,并从那里你可以建立任何你想要的布局结构。基本上只是包装你的普通列表项目布局在 ResizeLayout 标记。

如何解决eclipse refreshing server adapter list刷新

在你的布局,你应该有一个视图id为 collapse_to 。这是认为该布局将换到(即什么看法决定了倒塌的高度)。


随时拨打再利用()在获取再生视图(如 convertView ) 随时拨打 setIsExpanded(布尔)返回回收视图之前;否则将保留的状态是在它被回收之前




进口android.view.animation *。

/ *
 * ResizeLayout
 * /

公共类ResizeLayout扩展的FrameLayout {
    私有静态最终诠释PX_PER_SEC = 900;每秒的动画布局的变化//像素
    私人最终诠释wrapSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);

    私人诠释collapsedHeight = 0;
    私人诠释expandedHeight = 0;
    私人布尔contentsChanged = TRUE;
    私有状态状态= State.COLLAPSED;


    公共ResizeLayout(上下文的背景下){超(上下文); }
    公共ResizeLayout(上下文的背景下,ATTRS AttributeSet中){超(背景下,ATTRS); }
    公共ResizeLayout(上下文的背景下,ATTRS的AttributeSet,诠释defStyle){超(背景下,ATTRS,defStyle); }

            查看孩子= getChildAt(0);

        如果(改变&安培;&安培; animation.isAnimating()){

    / **
     * /
        collapsedHeight = expandedHeight = 0;
        contentsChanged = TRUE;
        状态= State.COLLAPSED;

    / **
     * 风景;它只是设置的内部状态。用法的一个例子是在一个ListAdapter  - 如果视图是
     * @参数isExpanded是否视图应该在膨胀状态
     * /
        状态= isExpanded? State.EXPANDED:State.COLLAPSED;

    / **
     * /
            状态= state.next();

    保护无效onMeasure(INT widthMeasureSpec,诠释heightMeasureSpec){
        INT宽度= MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
        INT高= MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);
        INT widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
        INT heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);

        如果(getChildCount()。1){// ResizeLayout没有子女;默认为SPEC,或填充,如果未指定
                widthMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED? getPaddingLeft()+ getPaddingRight():宽度,
                heightMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED? getPaddingTop()+ getPaddingBottom():高度

        查看孩子= getChildAt(0); //获取ResizeLayout的唯一的孩子

            contentsChanged = FALSE;

        如果(heightMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED){
        } 其他 {

    / **
     * @参数孩子这ResizeLayout的子视图
     * /
        child.measure(widthSpec,wrapSpec); //测量孩子使用WRAP_CONTENT的高度

        //获取已被选定为视野中的崩溃的观点(ID = R.id.collapse_to)
        查看viewToCollapseTo = child.findViewById(R.id.collapse_to);

        如果(viewToCollapseTo!= NULL){
            collapsedHeight = viewToCollapseTo.getMeasuredHeight()+ child.getPaddingTop()+ child.getPaddingBottom();

            expandedHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight();

            INT newHeightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(state.getStartHeight(本),MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);

        } 其他 {

    公共无效addView(查看孩子,INT指数,ViewGroup.LayoutParams PARAMS){
        } 其他 {

    公共无效addView(查看孩子,ViewGroup.LayoutParams PARAMS){
        } 其他 {

        } 其他 {

    / **
     * /
    私有类LayoutAnimation扩展动画实现Animation.AnimationListener {
        私人诠释startHeight = 0,deltaHeight = 0;
        私人布尔isAnimating = FALSE;

        / **
         * /

        / **
         *将设置1000毫秒的持续时间(即持续时间=(△/ PPS)* 1000)。采用PPS而
         * /
        私人无效setDurationPixelsPerSecond(INT PPS){
            setDuration((INT)(((浮点)Math.abs(deltaHeight)/ PPS)* 1000));

        / **
         * /
        公共无效重用(INT startHeight,诠释endHeight){
            this.startHeight = startHeight;
            this.deltaHeight = endHeight  -  startHeight;

        / **
         * @参数interpolatedTime的时间(0.0  -  1.0)内插基于设定的内插器
         *参数吨,动画相结合的转变 - 不是用在这里
         * /
            。getLayoutParams()高度= startHeight +(INT)(deltaHeight * interpolatedTime);


            isAnimating = TRUE;

            isAnimating = FALSE;


    / **
     * /
    公共接口OnLayoutChangedListener {
        公共无效onLayoutExpanding(INT L,INT T,INT R,INT B);
        公共无效onLayoutCollapsing(INT L,INT T,INT R,INT B);

    / **
     * /
        this.listener =侦听器;

    私人无效fireOnLayoutExpanding(INT L,INT T,INT R,int b)在{
        如果(听者!= NULL)listener.onLayoutExpanding(L,T,R,B);

    私人无效fireOnLayoutCollapsing(INT L,INT T,INT R,int b)在{
        如果(听者!= NULL)listener.onLayoutCollapsing(L,T,R,B);






        公共抽象INT getStartHeight(ResizeLayout视图);
        公共抽象INT getEndHeight(ResizeLayout视图);


只是一个简单的 ListActivity ,我用这个例子的目的。 的main.xml 只是普通的的LinearLayout 的ListView 子XML为 ListActivity



公共类MyActivity扩展ListActivity实现ResizeLayout.OnLayoutChangedListener,AdapterView.OnItemClickListener {
    私人MyAdapter myAdapter;

        myAdapter =新MyAdapter(本);

    公共无效onLayoutExpanding(INT L,INT T,INT R,int b)在{

    公共无效onLayoutCollapsing(INT L,INT T,INT R,int b)在{

    公共无效onItemClick(适配器视图<>适配器视图,视图中查看,INT I,长L){
        clickedItemPosition =我;

    私有类MyAdapter扩展了BaseAdapter {

            充气= LayoutInflater.from(CTX);


        公共对象的getItem(int i)以{
            返回I + 1;

        众长getItemId(int i)以{

            } 其他 {

        公共查看getView(INT I,查看convertView,ViewGroup中的ViewGroup){

            如果(布局== NULL){


            //设置视图状态 - 否则它会在任何状态是回收之前

            title.setText(目​​录编号+ I);



基本列表项目布局实例。只是有一个图标,并在顶部标题(图标设置为 collapse_to 视图)和下方排列的消息视图。

 < XML版本=1.0编码=UTF-8&GT?;
< com.example.resize.ResizeLayout
    机器人:layout_width =match_parent
    机器人:layout_height =WRAP_CONTENT

    < RelativeLayout的
        机器人:layout_width =match_parent
        机器人:layout_height =match_parent

        < ImageView的
            机器人:ID =@ + ID / collapse_to
            机器人:SRC =@可绘制/ holoku
            机器人:layout_width =WRAP_CONTENT
            机器人:layout_height =WRAP_CONTENT
            机器人:scaleType =centerInside
            机器人:layout_alignParentTop =真
            机器人:layout_alignParentLeft =真
            机器人:contentDescription =@字符串/ icon_desc

            机器人:ID =@ + ID /标题
            机器人:layout_width =match_parent
            机器人:layout_height =0dp
            机器人:layout_alignTop =@ ID / collapse_to
            机器人:layout_alignBottom =@ ID / collapse_to
            机器人:layout_toRightOf =@ ID / collapse_to
            机器人:TEXTSIZE =20dp

            机器人:ID =@ + ID /文
            机器人:layout_marginTop =10dp
            机器人:layout_width =match_parent
            机器人:layout_height =WRAP_CONTENT
            机器人:TEXTSIZE =12dp
            机器人:layout_below =@ ID / collapse_to
    < / RelativeLayout的>
< /com.example.resize.ResizeLayout>

现在我没有测试它之前,API的17任何东西,但运行皮棉检查NewApi问题说,这应该可以追溯到2.2(API 8)。


I'm working on creating a custom view that will have an expanded and condensed state -- in the condensed state, it will just show a label and an icon, and in the expanded state, it will show a message below that. Here is a screenshot of how it works so far:

The View itself retains size values for the condensed and expanded states once measured, so it's simple to animate between the two states, and when using the view in normal practice (e.g. in a LinearLayout) everything works as intended. The change to the view size is done by calling getLayoutParams().height = newHeight; requestLayout();

However, when using it in a ListView, the view is recycled and maintains its previous height. So if the view was expanded when it was hidden, it will show as expanded when it is recycled for the next list item. It does not seem to receive another layout pass, even if I request a layout in the ListAdapter. I considered using a recycler with two different view types (expanded and condensed), but the sizes will vary depending on the size of the message. Is there an event I can listen for when the view is reattached in the ListView? Or do you have another suggestion of how to handle this?

EDIT: This is how I'm determining the expanded and condensed heights for the view:

protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
    super.onLayout(changed, l, t, r, b);
    if(r - l > 0 && b - t > 0 && dimensionsDirty) {
        int widthSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(r - l, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
        measure(widthSpec, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
        condensedHeight = getMeasuredHeight();

        measure(widthSpec, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
        expandedHeight = getMeasuredHeight();

        dimensionsDirty = false;


EDIT: Fixed order of parameters for both calls to makeMeasureSpec. Oddly, it worked the incorrect way that I had it, so I almost wonder if I'm doing something redundant. Either way, just wanted to point it out -- the project to download below doesn't have these corrections.

Okay, so it was really bothering me that I couldn't figure this out, so I decided to get more familiar with the layout and measurement system, and here's the solution that I've come up with.

A custom ViewGroup extending FrameLayout that hosts a single direct child (like ScrollView.) A custom ListAdapter that handles tracking the expanded/collapsed state of each list item. A custom OnItemClickListener to handle requests to animate between collapsed and expanded states.

I'd like to share this code in case anyone else finds it useful. It should be fairly flexible, but I have no doubt there are bugs and things that could be improved. For one, I had issues programmatically scrolling the ListView (there doesn't seem to be a way to actually scroll the contents rather than just the view) so I used smoothScrollToPosition(int) for each change to the view size. This has a hardcoded 400ms duration which is unnecessary, so in the future I might try to write my own version with a duration of 0 (i.e. scrollToPosition(int)).

The general use is as follows:

Your list item XML should have your ResizeLayout as the root of the hierarchy, and from there you can build any layout structure you want. Basically just wrap your normal list item layout in a ResizeLayout tag.

In your layout, you should have one view with the id collapse_to. This is the view that the layout will wrap to (i.e. what view determines the collapsed height).

Important things to do if you're recycling through a list adapter:

ALWAYS call reuse() when you retrieve a recycled view (e.g. convertView) ALWAYS call setIsExpanded(boolean) before returning the recycled view; otherwise it will retain the state it was in before it was recycled

I may eventually throw this into a git repo, but for now here's the code:


This is the bulk of the code. I'll also include my Activity and Adapter that I used for testing further down. They're quite generic, but they illustrate the use effectively.

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.animation.*;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;

 * ResizeLayout
 * Custom ViewGroup that allows you to specify a view in the child hierarchy to wrap to, and 
 * allows for the view to be expanded to the full size of the content.
 * Author:  Kevin Coppock
 * Date:    2013/03/02

public class ResizeLayout extends FrameLayout {
    private static final int PX_PER_SEC = 900; //Pixels per Second to animate layout changes
    private final LayoutAnimation animation = new LayoutAnimation();
    private final int wrapSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);

    private int collapsedHeight = 0;
    private int expandedHeight = 0;
    private boolean contentsChanged = true;
    private State state = State.COLLAPSED;

    private OnLayoutChangedListener listener;

    public ResizeLayout(Context context) { super(context); }
    public ResizeLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); }
    public ResizeLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); }

    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        if(getChildCount() > 0) {
            View child = getChildAt(0);
            child.layout(0, 0, child.getMeasuredWidth(), child.getMeasuredHeight());

        //If the layout parameters have changed and the view is animating, notify listeners
        if(changed && animation.isAnimating()) {
            switch(state) {
                case COLLAPSED: fireOnLayoutCollapsing(left, top, right, bottom); break;
                case EXPANDED:  fireOnLayoutExpanding(left, top, right, bottom); break;

     * Reset the internal state of the view to defaults. This should be called any time you change the contents
     * of this ResizeLayout (e.g. recycling through a ListAdapter)
    public void reuse() {
        collapsedHeight = expandedHeight = 0;
        contentsChanged = true;
        state = State.COLLAPSED;

     * Set the state of the view. This should ONLY be called after a call to reuse() as it does not animate
     * the view; it simply sets the internal state. An example of usage is in a ListAdapter -- if the view is
     * recycled, it may be in the incorrect state, so it should be set here to the correct state before layout.
     * @param isExpanded whether or not the view should be in the expanded state
    public void setIsExpanded(boolean isExpanded) {
        state = isExpanded ? State.EXPANDED : State.COLLAPSED;

     * Animates the ResizeLayout between COLLAPSED and EXPANDED states, only if it is not currently animating.
    public void animateToNextState() {
        if(!animation.isAnimating()) {
            animation.reuse(state.getStartHeight(this), state.getEndHeight(this));
            state = state.next();

    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        int width = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
        int height = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);
        int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
        int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);

        if(getChildCount() < 1) { //ResizeLayout has no child; default to spec, or padding if unspecified
                widthMode ==  MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED ? getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight() : width,
                heightMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED ? getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom() : height

        View child = getChildAt(0); //Get the only child of the ResizeLayout

        if(contentsChanged) { //If the contents of the view have changed (first run, or after reset from reuse())
            contentsChanged = false;
            updateMeasurementsForChild(child, widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);

        //This state occurs on the second run. The child might be wrap_content, so the MeasureSpec will be unspecified.
        //Skip measuring the child and just accept the measurements from the first run.
        if(heightMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED) {
            setMeasuredDimension(getWidth(), getHeight());
        } else {
            //Likely in mid-animation; we have a fixed-height from the MeasureSpec so use it
            child.measure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
            setMeasuredDimension(child.getMeasuredWidth(), child.getMeasuredHeight());

     * Sets the measured dimension for this ResizeLayout, getting the initial measurements
     * for the condensed and expanded heights from the child view.
     * @param child the child view of this ResizeLayout
     * @param widthSpec the width MeasureSpec from onMeasure()
     * @param heightSpec the height MeasureSpec from onMeasure()
    private void updateMeasurementsForChild(View child, int widthSpec, int heightSpec) {
        child.measure(widthSpec, wrapSpec); //Measure the child using WRAP_CONTENT for the height

        //Get the View that has been selected as the "collapse to" view (ID = R.id.collapse_to)
        View viewToCollapseTo = child.findViewById(R.id.collapse_to);

        if(viewToCollapseTo != null) {
            //The collapsed height should be the height of the collapseTo view + any top or bottom padding
            collapsedHeight = viewToCollapseTo.getMeasuredHeight() + child.getPaddingTop() + child.getPaddingBottom();

            //The expanded height is simply the full height of the child (measured with WRAP_CONTENT)
            expandedHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight();

            //Re-Measure the child to reflect the state of the view (COLLAPSED or EXPANDED)
            int newHeightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(state.getStartHeight(this), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
            child.measure(widthSpec, newHeightMeasureSpec);
        setMeasuredDimension(child.getMeasuredWidth(), child.getMeasuredHeight());

    public void addView(View child) {
        if(getChildCount() > 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ResizeLayout can host only one direct child.");
        } else {

    public void addView(View child, int index, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) {
        if(getChildCount() > 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ResizeLayout can host only one direct child.");
        } else {
            super.addView(child, index, params);

    public void addView(View child, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) {
        if(getChildCount() > 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ResizeLayout can host only one direct child.");
        } else {
            super.addView(child, params);

    public void addView(View child, int width, int height) {
        if(getChildCount() > 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ResizeLayout can host only one direct child.");
        } else {
            super.addView(child, width, height);

     * Handles animating the view between its expanded and collapsed states by adjusting the
     * layout parameters of the containing object and requesting a layout pass.
    private class LayoutAnimation extends Animation implements Animation.AnimationListener {
        private int startHeight = 0, deltaHeight = 0;
        private boolean isAnimating = false;

         * Just a default interpolator and friction I think feels nice; can be changed.
        public LayoutAnimation() {
            setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator(2.2f));

         * Sets the duration of the animation to a duration matching the specified value in
         * Pixels per Second (PPS). For example, if the view animation is 60 pixels, then a PPS of 60
         * would set a duration of 1000ms (i.e. duration = (delta / pps) * 1000). PPS is used rather
         * than a fixed time so that the animation speed is consistent regardless of the contents
         * of the view.
         * @param pps the number of pixels per second to resize the layout by
        private void setDurationPixelsPerSecond(int pps) {
            setDuration((int) (((float) Math.abs(deltaHeight) / pps) * 1000));

         * Allows reuse of a single LayoutAnimation object. Call this before starting the animation
         * to restart the animation and set the new parameters
         * @param startHeight the height from which the animation should begin
         * @param endHeight the height at which the animation should end
        public void reuse(int startHeight, int endHeight) {
            this.startHeight = startHeight;
            this.deltaHeight = endHeight - startHeight;

         * Applies the height transformation to this containing ResizeLayout
         * @param interpolatedTime the time (0.0 - 1.0) interpolated based on the set interpolator
         * @param t the transformation associated with the animation -- not used here
        protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
            getLayoutParams().height = startHeight + (int)(deltaHeight * interpolatedTime);

        public boolean isAnimating() {
            return isAnimating;

        public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
            isAnimating = true;

        public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
            isAnimating = false;

        public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {
            /*Not implemented*/

     * Interface to listen for layout changes during an animation
    public interface OnLayoutChangedListener {
        public void onLayoutExpanding(int l, int t, int r, int b);
        public void onLayoutCollapsing(int l, int t, int r, int b);

     * Sets a listener for changes to this view's layout
     * @param listener the listener for layout changes
    public void setOnBoundsChangedListener(OnLayoutChangedListener listener) {
        this.listener = listener;

    private void fireOnLayoutExpanding(int l, int t, int r, int b) {
        if(listener != null) listener.onLayoutExpanding(l, t, r, b);

    private void fireOnLayoutCollapsing(int l, int t, int r, int b) {
        if(listener != null) listener.onLayoutCollapsing(l, t, r, b);

    protected enum State {
            public State next() {
                return EXPANDED;

            public int getEndHeight(ResizeLayout view) {
                return view.expandedHeight;

            public int getStartHeight(ResizeLayout view) {
                return view.collapsedHeight;
            public State next() {
                return COLLAPSED;

            public int getEndHeight(ResizeLayout view) {
                return view.collapsedHeight;

            public int getStartHeight(ResizeLayout view) {
                return view.expandedHeight;

        public abstract State next();
        public abstract int getStartHeight(ResizeLayout view);
        public abstract int getEndHeight(ResizeLayout view);


Just a simple ListActivity that I used for the purposes of this example. main.xml is just the generic LinearLayout with ListView child XML for a ListActivity.

import android.app.ListActivity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.BaseAdapter;
import android.widget.TextView;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public class MyActivity extends ListActivity implements ResizeLayout.OnLayoutChangedListener, AdapterView.OnItemClickListener {
    private MyAdapter myAdapter;
    private int clickedItemPosition;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        myAdapter = new MyAdapter(this);
        getListView().setSelector(new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT));

    public void onLayoutExpanding(int l, int t, int r, int b) {
        //Keep the clicked view fully visible if it's expanding

    public void onLayoutCollapsing(int l, int t, int r, int b) {
        //Not handled currently

    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
        clickedItemPosition = i;
        ((ResizeLayout) view).animateToNextState();

    private class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
        private LayoutInflater inflater;
        private Set<Integer> expanded = new HashSet<Integer>();

        public MyAdapter(Context ctx) {
            inflater = LayoutInflater.from(ctx);

        public int getCount() {
            return 100;

        public Object getItem(int i) {
            return i + 1;

        public long getItemId(int i) {
            return i;

        public void toggleExpandedState(int position) {
            if (expanded.contains(position)) {
            } else {

        public View getView(int i, View convertView, ViewGroup viewGroup) {
            ResizeLayout layout = (ResizeLayout) convertView;
            TextView title;

            //New instance; no view to recycle.
            if (layout == null) {
                layout = (ResizeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.list_item, viewGroup, false);

            //Recycling a ResizeLayout; make sure to reset parameters with reuse()
            else layout.reuse();

            //Set the state of the View -- otherwise it will be in whatever state it was before recycling

            title = (TextView) layout.getTag();
            title.setText("List Item #" + i);

            return layout;


Basic list item layout example. Just has an icon and a title on the top (the icon is set as the collapse_to view) and a message view aligned below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>





Now I haven't tested it on anything prior to API 17, but running lint checks for NewApi problems says this should work as far back as 2.2 (API 8).

If you'd like to download the sample project and play with it yourself you can download it here.


