
由网友(除了帅我一无所有)分享简介:之间是什么 ContentObserver 区别和 DatasetObserver ?在一个或另一个应该使用?When one or another should be used?我得到光标单排。我想收到有关数据的变化 - 例如。当行被更新。 I get Cursor with single row. I wa...

之间是什么 ContentObserver 区别和 DatasetObserver


When one or another should be used?

我得到光标单排。我想收到有关数据的变化 - 例如。当行被更新。

I get Cursor with single row. I want to be notified about data changes - eg. when row is updated.


Which observer class should I register?


如果您使用的是的ContentProvider (通过 ContentResolver的 Activity.managedQuery()),让您的数据,只需连接一个 ContentObserver 光标。在code。在的onChange()将被称为每当 ContentResolver的广播通知的乌里与光标相关。

If you are using a ContentProvider (via ContentResolver or Activity.managedQuery()) to get your data, simply attach a ContentObserver to your Cursor. The code in onChange() will be called whenever the ContentResolver broadcasts a notification for the Uri associated with your cursor.

Cursor myCursor = managedQuery(myUri, projection, where, whereArgs, sortBy);
myCursor.registerContentObserver(new ContentObserver() {
    public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
        // This cursor's Uri has been notified of a change
        // Call cursor.requery() or run managedQuery() again

    public boolean deliverSelfNotifications() {
        return true;

请确保您的的ContentProvider 是一个好公民,并注册了乌里与查询之后光标:

Make sure your ContentProvider is a "good citizen" and registers the Uri with the cursor after a query:

cursor.setNotificationUri(getContentResolver(), uri);

这也应该通知 ContentResolver的的底层数据(你的SQLite数据库,例如,插入过程中,删除和更新操作)的任何变化:

It should also notify the ContentResolver of any changes to the underlying data (for instance, during insert, delete, and update operations on your SQLite database):

getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null);


This approach is a good example of the Observer Pattern of object-oriented design.


