
由网友(搁浅的爱情)分享简介:我还想来达到类似的效果为一个你可以看到在谷歌Play商店,其中通过滚动含量工具栏熄灭-screen为您滚动。 Id like to achieve a similar effect as the one you can see in Google Play store, where by scrolling the...


Id like to achieve a similar effect as the one you can see in Google Play store, where by scrolling the content the Toolbar goes off-screen as you scroll.

这工作正常的 CoordinatorLayout (1)在推出的#io15 ,但是:如果停止滚动中途工具栏仍保留在屏幕上,但减少了一半:我希望它关屏动画,就像在谷歌Play商店。我怎样才能做到这一点?

This works fine with the CoordinatorLayout (1) introduced at #io15, however: If you stop the scroll "mid-way" the Toolbar remains on screen, but is cut in half: I want it to animate off-screen, just like in the Google Play store. How can I achieve that?


现在Android的支持库23.1.0有一个新的滚动标记 SCROLL_FLAG_SNAP ,它允许你实现这个的效果。

Now the Android Support Library 23.1.0 has a new scroll flag SCROLL_FLAG_SNAP which allows you to achieve this effect.


AppBarLayout supports a number of scroll flags which affect how children views react to scrolling (e.g. scrolling off the screen). New to this release is SCROLL_FLAG_SNAP, ensuring that when scrolling ends, the view is not left partially visible. Instead, it will be scrolled to its nearest edge, making fully visible or scrolled completely off the screen.


