
由网友(哥、一表人渣)分享简介:我已经集成了Google+的平台的应用程序,以及与Google+按钮为止。事情似乎工作确定,但我一直在得到这个消息出现在日志中经常.. I have integrated an app with Google+ platform as well as a Google+ button so far. Things s...


I have integrated an app with Google+ platform as well as a Google+ button so far. Things seem to be working ok, but I keep on getting this message appears in the logs quite often..

06-30 15:14:58.296: E/ActivityThread(2308): Failed to find provider info for com.google.plus.platform


Has anyone seen this before. Can anyone explain to me what it is as I cannot find any explanation for it yet?



Well I think i have found the reason for this message after adding admob to one of my new projects. Fortunately its is not an error, but a warning.

如果应用程序的谷歌+ 未安装在手机中,其中应用程序运行时它发生。看来,AdMob的尝试查找特定的广告,根据他的谷歌加上个人账户,如果他一直装在自己的手机应用程序。

And it happens if the application google+ is not installed in the phone where the application runs. It seems that admob tries to find specific ads for a person based on his google plus account if he has installed the app in his phone.


Failed to find provider info for com.google.plus.platform


and continues to show general ads.

我有什么做的是安装谷歌+应用程序在我的电话,并记录在我的帐户。 在这之后,当我运行我的应用程序不会当广告被刷新抛出此消息。

What i have done was to install the google+ app in my phone and logged in with my account. And after that when i run my app it doesn't throw this message when ads are being refreshed.


So you can't do something to fix this warning and you should not be worried about it as your ads will continue to show without a problem.


