如何捕获在iP​​hone / Android的滚动开始事件事件、iP、hone、Android

由网友(地獄的境界)分享简介:我使用jQuery与移动网站的重新定位上滚动的标题导航在没有位置:固定支撑。工作正常,当用户停止滚动的标题被放回在页面的顶部。I'm using JQuery with a mobile site to reposition the header nav on scroll in the absence of pos...


I'm using JQuery with a mobile site to reposition the header nav on scroll in the absence of position:fixed support. That works fine, when the user stops scrolling the header is placed back at the top of the page.


To enhance the experience for the user I want to hide() the header when the user starts to scroll and then have it slide in when they stop. The problem is that the scroll event only fires when the user stops scrolling. I've read that there are iOS specific touch events but is there any way I can capture a scroll start event on iOS and Android using mutually common code?



我相信 jQuery Mobile的,能做到这一点。看看下面的code:

I believe jQuery Mobile, can do this. Take a look at the following code:

$(document).bind("scrollstop", function() {

//What occurs when the scrolling stops
alert("You have stopped scrolling");

$(document).bind("scrollstart", function() {

//What occurs when the scrolling starts
alert("You have started scrolling");


