
由网友(再见ろ、天真)分享简介:当用户点击我的验证按钮(的在我的C#,WinForm的,.NET 3.5的应用程序的)我想提请围绕一定的控制边界,如果它是空的。假设一个名为tbxLastName我想我需要做的是这样的文本 - > When a user clicks my Validate Button (in my C#, WinForm, .n...

当用户点击我的验证按钮(的在我的C#,WinForm的,.NET 3.5的应用程序的)我想提请围绕一定的控制边界,如果它是空的。假设一个名为tbxLastName我想我需要做的是这样的文本 - >

When a user clicks my Validate Button (in my C#, WinForm, .net 3.5 app) I would like to draw a border around a certain control if it is empty. Say a textbox that is named tbxLastName I thought I needed to do something like this -->

    tbxLastName.ClientRectangle, Color.Firebrick, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);


Unfortunately, I have no idea what to put for the Graphics Object as what I have does NOTHING.

所有我接触过的例子, MSDN - 这里 ,有这样的code在Paint事件。像这样 - >

All of the examples I have come across, MSDN - HERE, have this code in a Paint Event. Like so -->

private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
    ControlPaint.DrawBorder(e.Graphics, this.panel1.ClientRectangle, 
        Color.DarkBlue, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);


I, however, only want to have the border appear while certain conditions are meet which is kicked off by a Button_Click

这么多的建议,建议使用一个容器对象来保存文本框,并调用它的Paint_Event。我这样做,并会出现一个框,但不是控制各地。它出现在容器控件的左上角。下面是我在做什么 - >

So many of the suggestions suggest using a container object to hold the textbox and call it's Paint_Event. I did this and a box appears but NOT around the control. It appears in the Top Left corner of the Container Control. Here is what I am doing -->

    private void grpImmunizationCntrl_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
        if (lkuNOImmunizationReason.Text.Equals(string.Empty)
                    e.Graphics, lkuNOImmunizationReason.ClientRectangle,
                        Color.Firebrick, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);




This is what I came up with combining suggestions here with what worked for me.

    public static void HighlightRequiredFields(Control container, Graphics graphics, Boolean isVisible)
        Rectangle rect = default(Rectangle);
        foreach (Control control in container.Controls)
            if (control.Tag is string && control.Tag.ToString() == "required")
                rect = control.Bounds;
                rect.Inflate(3, 3);
                if (isVisible && control.Text.Equals(string.Empty))
                    ControlPaint.DrawBorder(graphics, rect, Color.FromArgb(173,216,230), ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
                    ControlPaint.DrawBorder(graphics, rect, container.BackColor, ButtonBorderStyle.None);

            if (control.HasChildren)
                foreach (Control ctrl in control.Controls)
                    HighlightRequiredFields(ctrl, graphics, isVisible);

我把这个从 Paint_Event 任何Container我需要。

I call this from the Paint_Event of any Container I need to.


我只是做了一些与VB.Net相似,从这个线程的帮助。我有一个面板围绕每一套我的控制容器,在的OnPaint 处理程序面板,我经历了所有的孩子回路控制在面板和绘制边框周围,如果他们有标记= 必需的。我只显示在编辑或新的边界,所以我创建了 fVisible 参数来打开和关闭它们。当我想火这一关,我称之为 Panel.Refresh()所以它使用了的OnPaint 事件。这样,所有我需要做的是设置在设计时所需要的控制标签,并添加一个处理程序容器面板,这一切工作动态。

I just did something similar with VB.Net, with help from this thread. I have a Panel container around each set of my controls, and in the OnPaint handler for the Panel, I loop through all the children controls in the Panel and draw borders around them if they have the tag="required". I only display the borders on Edit or New so I created the fVisible parameter to toggle these on and off. When I want to fire this off, I call Panel.Refresh() so it fires the OnPaint event. This way all I have to do is set the tags on the required controls at design time, and add a handler for the container Panels, and it all works dynamically.

下面是共享的功能,我从我所有的小组的OnPaint 事件处理程序调用。 (对不起,我知道你正在使用C#,这是VB,但它是pretty的基础。)

Here's the shared function I'm calling from all of my Panel's OnPaint Event Handlers. (Sorry I know you're using C# and this is VB but it's pretty basic.)

Friend Sub HighlightRequiredFields(ByVal pnlContainer As Panel, ByVal gr As Graphics, ByVal fVisible As Boolean)
    Dim rect As Rectangle
    For Each oControl As Control In pnlContainer.Controls
        If TypeOf oControl.Tag Is String AndAlso oControl.Tag.ToString = "required" Then
            rect = oControl.Bounds
            rect.Inflate(1, 1)
            If fVisible Then
                ControlPaint.DrawBorder(gr, rect, Color.Red, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid)
                ControlPaint.DrawBorder(gr, rect, pnlContainer.BackColor, ButtonBorderStyle.None)
            End If
        End If
        If TypeOf oControl Is Panel Then HighlightRequiredFields(DirectCast(oControl, Panel), gr, fVisible)
End Sub

