
由网友(效仿余生)分享简介:我想用MSHTML [1]访问DOM在IE浏览器,但我刚刚发现,它缺乏querySelector和querySelectorAll方法在HTML文档类,否则将有很大的帮助,以获得通过CSS选择一个文档中的元素I want to use MSHTML [1] to access DOM in IE, but I hav...

我想用MSHTML [1]访问DOM在IE浏览器,但我刚刚发现,它缺乏querySelector和querySelectorAll方法在HTML文档类,否则将有很大的帮助,以获得通过CSS选择一个文档中的元素

I want to use MSHTML [1] to access DOM in IE, but I have just found out that it lacks querySelector and querySelectorAll methods in HTML document classes, which will otherwise be very helpful to obtain elements within a document by CSS selectors.


The only workaround I can think of for now is to do everything by executing a script, but it is awful.


Is there any MSHTML version that has the two methods (querySelector and querySelectorAll)? Is there any other libraries (hopefully, official .Net libraries by Microsoft) where the two methods or their equivalents are available?

[1]的%ProgramFiles(x86)的% Microsoft.NET 主互操作程序集 Microsoft.mshtml.dll

[1] %ProgramFiles(x86)%Microsoft.NETPrimary Interop AssembliesMicrosoft.mshtml.dll



The querySelector() method and friends are alive and well in MSHtml and the IE DOM, the problem is that the PIA that most programmers have on their machine is heavily outdated. The one registered in the GAC on my machine carries a 7.0.3300.0 version number, that dates back to 2002.


There is a workaround for that, you can generate your own interop library and avoid the one in the GAC. The trick is to intentionally generate a mismatch by creating an interop assembly without a strong name so it cannot match the one in the GAC. Be sure to do this only on VS2010 or later, you want to take advantage of the Embed Interop Types feature.

启动Visual Studio命令提示符,然后定位到您的项目目录。并执行以下命令:

Start the Visual Studio Command Prompt and navigate to your project directory. And execute this command:

  Tlbimp c:windowssystem32mshtml.tlb


It will trundle for a while, the type library is big, and spit out several icky looking warnings that you can ignore. Go back to VS, remove the existing MSHTML reference and use Add Reference, Browse tab. Pick the MSHTML.dll file that was generated by Tlbimp.


I cannot guarantee having no problems at all, you do need to keep in mind that your user needs to have an up-to-date version of IE, preferably one that matches yours. If you use a method on an interface that an older version of IE doesn't have then it will fail pretty nastily, an AccessViolationException is likely.


