查询的x64 GACGAC

由网友(人穷脸丑农村户口!)分享简介:通过以​​下code,我查询了GAC,看看是否有安装我是一定的组装。 C本身的$ C $工作正常,但我只得到的结果为 86 GAC 。该组件被安装在两个GACS GAC_64和GAC_32。 什么我必须这样做,这就是QueryAssemblyInfo检查64 GAC?公共BOOL IsInGac(字符串的Assemb...

通过以​​下code,我查询了GAC,看看是否有安装我是一定的组装。 C本身的$ C $工作正常,但我只得到的结果为 86 GAC 。该组件被安装在两个GACS GAC_64和GAC_32。

什么我必须这样做,这就是QueryAssemblyInfo检查64 GAC?

 公共BOOL IsInGac(字符串的AssemblyName)
     assembyInfo.cchBuf = 512;
     assembyInfo.currentAssemblyPath =新的字符串(' 0',assembyInfo.cchBuf);

     IAssemblyCache assemblyCache = NULL;

     IntPtr的HR = NativeMethods.CreateAssemblyCache(出assemblyCache,0);
     如果(小时== IntPtr.Zero)
        HR = assemblyCache.QueryAssemblyInfo(1,的AssemblyName,裁判assembyInfo);
        如果(小时!= IntPtr.Zero)



     公共静态外部的IntPtr CreateAssemblyCache(出IAssemblyCache ppAsmCache,INT保留);

     INT Dummy1();
     INT Dummy2();
     INT Dummy3();
     INT Dummy4();





    公共静态外部的IntPtr CreateAssemblyCache(...)

该函数的返回类型为HRESULT。这是一个 INT ,不是的IntPtr在C#。同样的事情在QueryAssemblyInfo()声明。


With the following code I'm querying the GAC to see if there is a certain assembly installed i it. The code itself works fine, but I only get the result for the x86 GAC. The assembly is installed in both GACs GAC_64 and GAC_32.

What do I have to do so that 'QueryAssemblyInfo' checks the x64 GAC?

  public bool IsInGac(string assemblyName)
     ASSEMBLY_INFO assembyInfo = new ASSEMBLY_INFO();
     assembyInfo.cchBuf = 512;
     assembyInfo.currentAssemblyPath = new string('', assembyInfo.cchBuf);

     IAssemblyCache assemblyCache = null;

     IntPtr hr = NativeMethods.CreateAssemblyCache(out assemblyCache, 0);
     if (hr == IntPtr.Zero)
        hr = assemblyCache.QueryAssemblyInfo(1, assemblyName, ref assembyInfo);
        if (hr != IntPtr.Zero)
           return false;

        return true;

     return false;

  internal static class NativeMethods
     public static extern IntPtr CreateAssemblyCache(out IAssemblyCache ppAsmCache, int reserved);

  [ComImport, InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), Guid("e707dcde-d1cd-11d2-bab9-00c04f8eceae")]
  internal interface IAssemblyCache
     int Dummy1();
     IntPtr QueryAssemblyInfo(int flags, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]string assemblyName, ref ASSEMBLY_INFO assemblyInfo);
     int Dummy2();
     int Dummy3();
     int Dummy4();

  internal struct ASSEMBLY_INFO
     public int cbAssemblyInfo;
     public int assemblyFlags;
     public long assemblySizeInKB;

     public String currentAssemblyPath;

     public int cchBuf;


    public static extern IntPtr CreateAssemblyCache(...)

The return type for this function is HRESULT. Which is an int, not IntPtr in C#. Same thing on the QueryAssemblyInfo() declaration.

This could cause random failure when you target AnyCPU. Other than that the code is fine and it has no trouble finding assemblies in GAC_64 on my machine.


