
由网友(思念如狂)分享简介:免责声明:我知道这可能不是一个编程的问题本身,但它绝对是一个编程相关的问题,这就是为什么我要问在这里。请随时投关闭,如果你不喜欢这个问题增加任何价值左右。Disclaimer: I realize it may not be a "programming" question per se but it's defin...


Disclaimer: I realize it may not be a "programming" question per se but it's definitely a programming related question which is why I'm asking it here. Please feel free to vote to close if you don't feel like this question adds any value to SO.

我最近从Eclipse的升级到Android Studio和我真的不顺心的体验。我在的Windows 7 64位旗舰是 16GB 的RAM和英特尔I7 4770 运行的NVIDIA GeForce 780与最新的NVIDIA比较他们两个司机如果它很重要,我运行的是最新的JDK和最新的Andr​​oid工作室。

I recently upgraded from Eclipse to Android Studio and I'm not really liking the experience. I'm comparing them both on a Windows 7 64 bit ultimate with 16GB of ram and Intel i7 4770 running NVidia Geforce 780 with the latest NVidia drivers if it matters and I'm running the latest JDK and the latest Android Studio.


The Android Studio is very slow in building the project which I can live with but it's also extremely resource intensive and sometimes slows down the PC to a crawl.

每当我建立或AS运行任何东西,我的电脑似乎变得极为缓慢。这也导致闪烁屏幕,偶尔冲我的第二个显示器,如果我点击摇篮建立运行微调,我觉得很奇怪。 RAM的使用也最多拍摄〜3GB,我觉得过多的不劳而获(这是当它的闲置后数生成)。

Whenever I'm building or running anything in AS, my PC seems to become extremely sluggish. It also causes flickering of screen and occasionally blanking my second monitor if I click on "Gradle build running" spinner which I find very odd. The RAM usage also shoots up to ~3GB which I find excessive for doing nothing (this is when it's idle after a few builds).


In addition, the panels at the bottom of AS keep jumping around which is a horrible user experience (moves from Android to Messages to Version Control or anything else on an ad-hoc basis depending on what's happening which is very, very annoying).



1) How do I make Android Studio run better? I may be doing something wrong or missing some updates that I'm not aware of and I'm sure others have also noticed these behaviors and have found some solutions to it.


2) How do I "pin" the bottom panels so that they don't jump around and instead, let me, the user, navigate to them when I wish to instead of automatically switching them?


Many thanks and my apologies again if it's not the correct place for these questions.

修改1 一些更多的评论:

在我使用的是最新的稳定建设成为今天的。该版本是 Android的工作室1.2.2编译#AI-141.1980579,建于2015年6月3日 的行为时,无论使用的Java 7和8。它似乎并不被Java相关的版本情况。 在我没有使用presentation模式。就在香草视图。 在做更改构建配置(感谢@Blackbelt他的回答)似乎已经帮助了构建但其他问题低迷和一般的用户体验依然存在。 I'm using the latest stable build as of today. The build is Android Studio 1.2.2 Build # AI-141.1980579, Build on June 3, 2015 The behavior happens when using either Java 7 or 8. It doesn't appear to be related to the version of Java. I am not using Presentation Mode. Just the vanilla view. Doing the changes to the build configuration (thanks to @Blackbelt and his answer) appears to have helped with the build but the other problems with sluggishness and general user experience remain.



Check the AndroidStudio's settings, under compile that the checkbox



Under Vmoptions I have

-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024

我有一个旧的双核4GB内存,运行Ubuntu。 Qs的命令行选项,我只有 - 离线,其中指定的构建应该没有访问网络资源的运营。我也使其余的复选框:

I have an old dual core with 4GB ram, running ubuntu. Qs commandline option I have only --offline , which specifies that the build should operate without accessing network resources. I enabled also the remaining checkboxes:

请项目自动 使用过程中的建筑

配置需求 Make project automatically Use in-process building

Configure on demand



