
由网友(噢,特慢~)分享简介:我试图让使用Jacoco手工测试code覆盖。我想使用离线仪器仪表。 http://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/offline.html I am trying to get code coverage using Jacoco for manual testing. I a...

我试图让使用Jacoco手工测试code覆盖。我想使用离线仪器仪表。 http://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/offline.html

I am trying to get code coverage using Jacoco for manual testing. I am trying to use offline instrumentation. http://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/offline.html

在那里提到: 配置文件:如果一个文件 jacoco-agent.properties 的类路径选项提供从该文件中加载

In there it mentions: Configuration File: If a file jacoco-agent.properties is supplied on the classpath options are loaded from this file.

我的问题是我怎么提供呢?在其他一些论坛上,我看到 jacoco-agent.properties 需要部署的应用程序。

My question is how do I supply this? On some other forum, I saw that jacoco-agent.properties needs to be deployed with the app.

我试图把 jacoco-agent.properties 下RES /生,但抱怨 - 在文件名中。

I tried putting jacoco-agent.properties under the res/raw, but it complained about "-" in the file name.


I tried putting this under the root directory it didn't take any effect.

我不知道我怎么会设置运行jacoco,以便它使用 jacoco-agent.properties

I was wondering how could I setuprun jacoco so that it uses jacoco-agent.properties?


嗯,至少一个Ant的命令行构建的伎俩是把 jacoco-agent.properties 的src 目录,这使得它获得打包为-是到APK文件的根,从那里似乎是正确读取(即我可以看到设置 destfile 属性具有在哪里被创建的执行数据文件产生影响)。

Well, at least for an Ant command line build the trick was to put jacoco-agent.properties in the src directory, which makes it get packaged as-is into the root of the APK file, from where it seems to be properly read (i.e. I can see setting the destfile property having an effect on where the execution data file is being created).

然而,创建 jacoco.exec 文件总是空的,我(像也提到的此处),可能是因为JaCoCo只写了执行数据的在JVM终止,但是当应用程序停止Android的Dalvik虚拟机不会终止。

However, the created jacoco.exec file was always empty for me (like also mentioned here), probably because JaCoCo only writes the execution data at JVM termination, but Android's Dalvik VM does not terminate when the app stops.


The way we currently solve this is to explicitly call



and write the returned byte array to a file when our custom test runner finishes.


