
由网友(即便她成遗憾)分享简介:我不知道是否有一种方法来扩展 BaseDaoImp​​l 在Android类ORMLite的。在我的Andr​​oid项目我使用几种不同的DAO对象来访问不同的业务对象。我的业务对象都存储在不同的表,并都继承形式,它有两个成员的BusinessObject的基类龙ID; 和长对象ID; ,其中 ID 是对象的数据库表中...

我不知道是否有一种方法来扩展 BaseDaoImp​​l 在Android类ORMLite的。在我的Andr​​oid项目我使用几种不同的DAO对象来访问不同的业务对象。我的业务对象都存储在不同的表,并都继承形式,它有两个成员的BusinessObject的基类龙ID; 长对象ID; ,其中 ID 是对象的数据库表中的真正的唯一的ID。


    公共静态最后弦乐ID_COLUMN_NAME =_id;

    @SerializedName(值=_ ID)
    @DatabaseField(canBeNull =假,COLUMNNAME = ID_COLUMN_NAME,generatedId = TRUE)

    @DatabaseField(canBeNull =假,COLUMNNAME = OBJECT_ID_COLUMN_NAME,指数=真正的,唯一=真)


 公共类ExtendedDaoImp​​le< T,ID>扩展BaseDaoImp​​l< T,ID>实现ExtendedDao< T,ID> {

    保护ExtendedDaoImp​​le(类< T>数据类)抛出的SQLException {

    公众诠释deleteByObjectId(长OBJECTID)抛出的SQLException {
        DeleteBuilder< T,ID> delBuilder =(DeleteBuilder< T,ID>)deleteBuilder();
        返回删除(delBuilder prepare());


 道<图像,龙> imageDao = getDao(Image.class);




奈斯利措辞问题。该 @DatabaseTable 标注有 daoClass 字段,可用于指定DAO类来构造。



下面是文档的 DaoManager



您的类将需要与 ConnectionSource 参数的构造函数。


I'm wondering whether there's a way to extend the BaseDaoImpl class of ORMLite on Android. In my Android project I'm using several different Dao objects to access the different business objects. My business objects are stored in different tables and are all inherited form an BusinessObject base class which has the two members Long id; and Long objectId; where id is the real unique id of the object within the database table.

public abstract class BusinessObject{   

    public static final String ID_COLUMN_NAME = "_id";
    public static final String OBJECT_ID_COLUMN_NAME = "object_id";

    @DatabaseField(canBeNull=false, columnName = ID_COLUMN_NAME, generatedId=true)
    private int id;

    @DatabaseField(canBeNull=false, columnName=OBJECT_ID_COLUMN_NAME, index=true, unique = true)    
    private long objectId;

Now I want to be able to delete business objects by id and by objectId. Deleting by id is of course already possible due to the BaseDaoImpl class. To be able to delete them also by objectId I thought about extending the BaseDaoImpl class and adding an generic method deleteByObjectId() method to it. Within the method I would delete the object using the dao's delete() method which takes a PreparedDelete statement.

public class ExtendedDaoImple<T, ID> extends BaseDaoImpl<T, ID> implements ExtendedDao<T, ID> {

    protected ExtendedDaoImple(Class<T> dataClass) throws SQLException {

    public int deleteByObjectId(long objectId) throws SQLException {
        DeleteBuilder<T, ID> delBuilder = (DeleteBuilder<T, ID>) deleteBuilder();       
        delBuilder.where().eq(BusinessObject.OBJECT_ID_COLUMN_NAME, objectId).prepare();
        return delete(delBuilder.prepare());

My problem is that I don't know how to create an instance of ExtendedDaoImpl class form the OrmLiteSqliteOpenHelper class. Normally a Dao is created by calling getDao() method of the OrmLiteSqliteOpenHelper class and passing the class of the BusinessObject the Dao should be used for. E.g.

Dao<Image, Long> imageDao = getDao(Image.class);

So is there a way to modify the OrmLiteSqliteOpenHelper class in such a way that ExtendedDaoImpl objects can be retrieved instead of a BaseDaoImpl object?


My problem is that I don't know how to create an instance of ExtendedDaoImpl class form the OrmLiteSqliteOpenHelper class...

Nicely worded question. The @DatabaseTable annotation has a field daoClass which can be used to specify the DAO class to construct.


Here are the docs for the DaoManager.


Your class will need to have a constructor with ConnectionSource and Class arguments.

The solution is not well documented. Let me know if you have any ideas how I can improve the documentation.


