
由网友(未来是拼出来的)分享简介:我在ListFragment这个漂亮的方法,我打电话来填充我的另一个片段的细节:I have this nice method in my ListFragment I call to fill out the details of my other fragment:private void showClient...


I have this nice method in my ListFragment I call to fill out the details of my other fragment:

private void showClientDetails(int pos) {           
        int clientId = myCursor.getInt(0);         
        if(mIsTablet) {

                // Set the list item as checked
                getListView().setItemChecked(mCurrentSelectedItemIndex, true);

                // Get the fragment instance
                ClientDetails details = (ClientDetails) getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.client_details);
                // Is the current visible recipe the same as the clicked? If so, there is no need to update

                if (details == null || details.getClientIndex() != mCurrentSelectedItemIndex) {
                        // Make new fragment instance to show the recipe
                        details = ClientDetails.newInstance(mCurrentSelectedItemIndex, clientId, mIsTablet);
                        // Replace the old fragment with the new one
                        FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
                        ft.replace(R.id.client_details, details);
                        // Use a fade animation. This makes it clear that this is not a new "layer"
                        // above the current, but a replacement


It is called when the user clicks on a client in the ListFragment view:

public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {
       mCurrentSelectedItemIndex = position;    


This works great, but then another FragmentActivity can change the data that this displays so I thought this would work:

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) 

    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);          
            //update the client list incase a new one is added or the name changes
          showClientDetails(mCurrentSelectedItemIndex); //now if client was edited update their details in the details fragment


如果(详细信息== NULL || details.getClientIndex()!= mCurrentSelectedItemIndex){


Prevents the block of code being reached when its called in my onActivityResult. So if I remove that if statement, then things freak out and the ft.commit() has a hissy fit and gives me the error:

`07-08 16:53:31.783:ERROR / AndroidRuntime(2048):java.lang.IllegalStateException:产生的原因的onSaveInstanceState后无法执行此操作

`07-08 16:53:31.783: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2048): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState


So I guess what I am trying to do isn't as cut and dry as it sounds, it makes no sense to me since I can do that onListItemClicked all day and the fragment displays the details of the newly clicked client constantly very well...

我甚至在尝试这样做我的 onActivityResult

I even tried this in my onActivityResult:

//simulate a click event really fast to refresh the client details


that does nothing, is it im trying to call something from the onActivityResult which isn't a Ui thread or what not?

我做我的$ C $的ListFragment了C,以及有此

I do have this in my code of the ListFragment as well

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putInt("currentListIndex", mCurrentSelectedItemIndex);


Is this what the error is complaining about?


其他 FragmentActivity 的行动正在执行这就要求片段任务通过在preparation一个新的实例调用的onSaveInstanceState 保存其状态正在重建。我已经看到了这个例如,当我发射了从一个片段充斥着整个屏幕的活动,因为这导致了查看从片段被分离,国家需要保存等。

The other FragmentActivity's action is performing a task which requires the Fragment to save its state via a call to onSaveInstanceState in preparation for a new instance being reconstructed. I've seen this for example when I was firing off an activity from a fragment which filled the entire screen as this resulted in the view being detached from the fragment, state needing to be saved etc.

您根本不能称之为提交的onSaveInstanceState 和片段的新实例被创建。请参阅commit.

You basically cannot call commit between onSaveInstanceState and the new instance of the fragment being recreated. See commit.

至于解决方案,然后要么重新思考,试图避免提交被调用时,它或者您也可以致电 commitAllowingStateLoss ,如果你认为这是正常的用户界面对用户意外更改。

As for the solution, then either re-think to try and avoid the commit being called when it is or alternatively call commitAllowingStateLoss if you think it's OK for the UI to change unexpectedly on the user.


