您可以强制 Visual Studio 在 Windows 8 中始终以管理员身份运行吗?您可以、管理员、身份、Studio

由网友(拿命去搏我的未来゜)分享简介:在 Windows 7 中,您可以进入程序兼容性设置并勾选始终以管理员身份运行.Windows 8 中是否有类似的选项?In Windows 7, you could go into a programs compatibility settings and check off to always run as an...

在 Windows 7 中,您可以进入程序兼容性设置并勾选始终以管理员身份运行.Windows 8 中是否有类似的选项?

In Windows 7, you could go into a programs compatibility settings and check off to always run as an Administrator. Is there a similar option in Windows 8?

我一直在我的机器上禁用 UAC,并且在我的 Windows 8 升级后也这样做了,或者我是这么认为的.原来没有 off 选项,只关闭通知.

I've always disabled UAC on my machines, and did the same after my Windows 8 upgrade, or so I thought. It turns out there is no off option, only turning off the notifications.

这意味着尽管在管理员组中,但没有任何内容以管理员身份运行.当我尝试调试(附加到进程,而不是 F5)时,我需要继续关闭并重新打开我的控制台Visual Studio,这非常令人沮丧.

This means nothing is run as an Administrator despite being in the Administrator group. I need to keep closing and reopening my consolesVisual Studio when I try to debug (attach to process, not F5), which is very frustrating.


It's really annoying that I need to either remember to take extra steps to open it as an Administrator or tell it to close and re-open when I go to debug for the first time.


在 Windows 8 &10、您必须右键单击devenv.exe并选择疑难解答兼容性".

In Windows 8 & 10, you have to right-click devenv.exe and select "Troubleshoot compatibility".


如果打开 Visual Studio 时要求保存对 devenv.sln 的更改,请参阅此答案以禁用它:

If, when you open Visual Studio it asks to save changes to devenv.sln, see this answer to disable it:

禁用 Visual Studio devenv 解决方案保存对话框

如果您改变主意并希望撤消以管理员身份运行"兼容性设置,请在此处查看答案:如何修复无法识别的问题Visual Studio 2015 中的 Guid 格式

If you change your mind and wish to undo the "Run As Administrator" Compatibility setting, see the answer here: How to Fix Unrecognized Guid format in Visual Studio 2015


