
由网友(酒窝男神)分享简介:我试图在C#中使用Unity3D的机器人发射,一切都在地方,除了检测安装的应用程序。I'm trying to make an android launcher with Unity3D in C#, Everything is in place except detection of installed apps....


I'm trying to make an android launcher with Unity3D in C#, Everything is in place except detection of installed apps.

我已经尝试了很多不同的东西,但他们都陷在同一个地方,访问 getInstalledApplications 在软件包管理系统

I have tried a lot of different things, but they all get stuck at the same place, accessing getInstalledApplications in the PackageManager.

我觉得我已经成功地复制在C#中 ApplicationInfo 类,至少变量存储明智的,通过研究Android源,所以我不认为这是一个问题,至少目前还没有...

I think I have managed to replicate the ApplicationInfo class in C#, at least variable storage wise, by studying the android source, so I don't think that's a problem, at least not yet...

简单地说,我需要的URI(或东西我可以用它来打开应用程序),应用程序的名称,该应用程序的图标(或者一个字符串,它的位置,或的Texture2D 本身),我尝试 ApplicationInfo ,因为它拥有一切,然后一些,但如果我必须让他们单独或通过另一种方法,这是完全罚款。

Simply put, I need the URI (or something I can use to open the app), the name of the app, and the icon of the app (either a string to its location, or the Texture2D itself), I try for ApplicationInfo because it has all that and then some, but if I have to get them individually or through another method, that's totally fine.


Here is an example of what I am doing now. This happens regardless of whether I use a Class or an Object.

void Start () {
                AndroidJavaClass pluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass("android.content.pm.PackageManager");

            AndroidJavaClass jc = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
            AndroidJavaObject currentActivity = jc.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
        int flag = pluginClass.GetStatic<int>("GET_META_DATA");
        AndroidJavaClass syspackage = currentActivity.Call<AndroidJavaClass>("getPackageManager");


AndroidJavaException: Java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: no method with name = 'getInstalledApplications' signature=Ljava/lang/Class;' in class Lcom.unity3d/player/UnityPlayerActivity;


How do I make this work? Or can you tell/show me another method that will accomplish the goal?


//EDIT Okay I messed with this for HOURS trying every possible combination, and I got it.

AndroidJavaClass pluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass("android.content.pm.PackageManager");
AndroidJavaClass jc = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
AndroidJavaObject currentActivity = jc.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
int flag = pluginClass.GetStatic<int>("GET_META_DATA");
AndroidJavaObject pm = currentActivity.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getPackageManager");
AndroidJavaObject syspackages = pm.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getInstalledApplications", flag);


Now I just gotta figure out how to get the strings and ints i need out of the Java object and into C# strings and ints which is a totally different problem than this....



You are passing a string as the param for getInstalledApplications instead of an integer.


You need to get your hands on an instance of PackageManager, to do this you'll need to get an Activity, fortunately, Unity can give you that.

AndroidJavaClass jc = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
AndroidJavaObject currentActivity = jc.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");

AndroidJavaObject packageManager = currentActivity.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getPackageManager");

int flag = pluginClass.GetStatic<int>("GET_META_DATA");

AndroidJavaObject[] arrayOfAppInfo = packageManager.Call<AndroidJavaObject[]>("getInstalledApplications", flag);

