如何打开Android的MS Office文件文件、Android、MS、Office

由网友(抹去浮华虚夸)分享简介:可能重复: Android微软的Office库(doc和的.docx,.xls的,.PPT等) 我一直在寻找为Android来打开和查看的.doc , .PPT ,的.docx 或 .PPTX 。I have been searching for an API for android to open and vi...

可能重复:   Android微软的Office库(doc和的.docx,.xls的,.PPT等)

我一直在寻找为Android来打开和查看的.doc .PPT ,的.docx 或 .PPTX

I have been searching for an API for android to open and view .doc, .ppt, .docx or .pptx.

我相信应该有一个作为存在的应用程序,可以打开这些文件格式。我已经找到的Apache POI但它使用Java AWT是不是机器人的一部分。

I'm sure there should be one as there exist applications that can open these file format. I have found apache POI but it uses java awt which is not a part of android.

即使一个API,这些文件格式转换为的.pdf 将是有益的。

Even an API to convert these file format to .pdf will be useful.



There isn't a standard API for opening office files in Android. The applications you've found use an internal API for reading the files. They either do this in the device or they upload the file to a server, which is responsible for parsing the file and convert it to a format that is easier read from the Android client.


