
由网友(等候无期)分享简介:我想实现推送通知。我有一个进口com.google.android.gcm.GCMRegistrar问题就不能得到解决。I'm trying to implement Push Notification. I have a problem with import com.google.android.gcm.GCMR...


I'm trying to implement Push Notification. I have a problem with import com.google.android.gcm.GCMRegistrar it cannot be resolved.

我没有安装谷歌播放服务并添加谷歌播放services_lib 来我的项目文件夹中。

I did install Google Play Services and add google-play-services_lib to my projects folder.

但问题依然存在。我试图找到 gcm.jar ,因为我看到过别人的解决方案,但我没有这样的.jar。

But the problem remains. I tried to find gcm.jar as I saw solutions that worked for others, but I don't have this .jar.


Is there something else that I'm missing?


首先下载谷歌云消息传递为Android库。对于这个GOTO Android的SDK管理器 - > Extras->谷歌云消息传递为Android库检查并安装它

First of all download Google Cloud Messaging for Android Library. For this goto Android SDK Manager->Extras->Google Cloud Messaging for Android Library check and install it.


See the below image:

现在,下载此libary你会看到在 GCM 文件夹可进​​入路径 D: ..... Android的SDK 演员谷歌

Now, after downloading this libary you'll see gcm folder is available into path D:.....android-sdkextrasgoogle

现在你会发现 gcm.jar 进入路径 D: .... Android的SDK 演员谷歌 GCM 样本 GCM-演示客户端库

Now You'll find gcm.jar into path D:....android-sdkextrasgooglegcmsamplesgcm-demo-clientlibs.

现在,添加此 gcm.jar 文件到您的项目

Now, add this gcm.jar file into your project


