有一个DataGrid和一个TabControl的WPF MVVM主详细视图视图、有一个、详细、DataGrid

由网友(跳海自尽的鱼)分享简介:我想实现在WPF MVVM主详细视图。I am trying to implement a Master detail view in WPF MVVM.在我的ViewModel我有原因的观察的集合。每个原因都有解决方案。In my viewmodel I have a observable collection...

我想实现在WPF MVVM主详细视图。

I am trying to implement a Master detail view in WPF MVVM.


In my viewmodel I have a observable collection of "Causes". Each Cause has an observable collection of "Solutions".


I bound an editable Datagrid to the Causes and it is working fine. But when a user selects a row in the DataGrid I want to allow the user to see its associated solutions in the TabControl.


How should I go about doing this? Should I create a property CurrentCause in the Viewmodel and bind it to the SelectedItem. In the TabControl can I bind to CurrentCause.Solutions.


Will this be an optimal approach? Please advise. Thanks!!


您可以绑定的ItemsSource 的的TabControl的是的SelectedItem

You could bind the ItemsSource of the TabControl to be the SelectedItem of the DataGrid using element binding.

<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=myDataGrid, Path=SelectedItem.Solutions}">