
由网友(柔情似水似你妹@)分享简介:我正在开发一个应用程序,其中我在我的 android 设备中获取纬度、经度并将它们发布到网络服务器.I am developing an application wherein I get the latitude, longitude in my android device and post them to a...

我正在开发一个应用程序,其中我在我的 android 设备中获取纬度、经度并将它们发布到网络服务器.

I am developing an application wherein I get the latitude, longitude in my android device and post them to a web server.


and in a web application I show the location details with the help of google maps.

在这里,我收集了大量 lat long 值,我将其循环到我的 jsp 中并使用信息窗口创建多个标记.

Here I have huge collection of lat long values which i loop it in my jsp and create multiple markers with info windows.


Now the problem is that I need to show the location name of the particular latitude and longitude in the Info Window of google maps.

谁能帮助我使用 google maps 脚本,或者我如何从我的 android 手机本身的 lat long 值中获取位置名称,以便我可以将其发布到我的网络服务器.

Can anyone help me with the google maps script or how can i get the location name from the lat long values in my android phone itself, so that I can post that to my web server.



Here i am given a single just pass the latitude and longitude in this function then you got all the information related to this latitude and longitude.

public void getAddress(double lat, double lng) {
    Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(HomeActivity.mContext, Locale.getDefault());
    try {
        List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(lat, lng, 1);
        Address obj = addresses.get(0);
        String add = obj.getAddressLine(0);
        add = add + "
" + obj.getCountryName();
        add = add + "
" + obj.getCountryCode();
        add = add + "
" + obj.getAdminArea();
        add = add + "
" + obj.getPostalCode();
        add = add + "
" + obj.getSubAdminArea();
        add = add + "
" + obj.getLocality();
        add = add + "
" + obj.getSubThoroughfare();

        Log.v("IGA", "Address" + add);
        // Toast.makeText(this, "Address=>" + add,
        // Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        // TennisAppActivity.showDialog(add);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        Toast.makeText(this, e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

