POSTMAN - 即使响应数据错误,也会通过模式验证也会、错误、模式、数据

由网友(ベ純情、小莮子)分享简介:tests["有效模式"] = tv4.validate(jsonData, schema);即使架构中缺少error"和responseType",也会通过.如何确保响应和架构都与 JSON 架构匹配.tests["Valid schema"] = tv4.validate(jsonData, schema); i...

tests["有效模式"] = tv4.validate(jsonData, schema);即使架构中缺少error"和responseType",也会通过.如何确保响应和架构都与 JSON 架构匹配.

tests["Valid schema"] = tv4.validate(jsonData, schema); is passed even if "error" and "responseType" is missing in the schema. How to make sure that response and schema both are matching for JSON schema.

当我在 postman 上点击 post 请求时,以下是 postman 中的响应正文

when I hit post request on postman, the following is the Response Body in postman

  "statusCode": 400,
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "message": "Email/Phone number not found",
  "responseType": "EMAIL_NOT_FOUND",
  "arabicMessage": "البريد الإلكتروني / رقم الهاتف غير موجود"

Postman 中的测试

Tests in Postman

var jsonData=JSON.parse(responseBody)
var schema ={
    "statusCode": {"type":"integer"},
    "message": {"type":"string"},
    "data": {
        "accessToken": {"type":"string"},
        "userDetails": {
            "_id": {"type":"string"},
            "deviceType": {"type":"string"},
            "countryCode": {"type":"string"},
            "OTPCode": {"type":"integer"},
            "invitationCode": {"type":"string"},
            "availableCredits": {"type":"integer"},
            "totalBookings": {"type":"integer"},
            "promoCodes": {"type":"array"},
            "updatedAt": {"type":"string"},
            "createdAt": {"type":"string"},
            "language": {"type":"string"},
            "IsDeleted": {"type":"boolean"},
            "IsVerified": {"type":"boolean"},
            "IsBlock": {"type":"boolean"},
            "customerAddresses": {"type":"array"},
            "phoneVerified": {"type":"boolean"},
            "currentLocation": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "appVersion": {"type":"integer"},
            "profilePicURL": {
                "thumbnail": {"type":"string"},
                "original": {"type":"string"}
            "password":  {"type":"string"},
            "socialId": {"type":"string"},
            "phoneNo": {"type":"integer"},
            "email": {"type":"string"},
            "LastName": {"type":"string"},
            "firstName": {"type":"string"},
            "__v": {"type":"integer"},
            "referralCode":  {"type":"string"},
            "accessToken": {"type":"string"},
            "deviceToken":  {"type":"string"}
        "updateAvailable": {"type":"boolean"},
        "stateCallBookingIds":  {"type":"array"},
        "forceUpdate": {"type":"boolean"}
tests["Valid schema"] = tv4.validate(jsonData, schema);
//here the test is passing even with invalid jsonData which is the data                       
 console.log("Validation failed: ", tv4.error);



There are lots of open issues on the Postman github account about the tv4 module.

here有一个类似的问题>,您的 jsonData 可能与您的架构不同吗?

There is a similar question on SO here, could your jsonData be different than your schema?

这是一个 示例,来自 tv4 github 页面上的链接.

This is an example from a link on the tv4 github page.

"title": "Person",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
    "firstName": {
        "type": "string"
    "lastName": {
        "type": "string"
    "age": {
        "description": "Age in years",
        "type": "integer",
        "minimum": 0
"required": ["firstName", "lastName"]


You could try adding those fields as required?


